
1、Trying to pull himself together,he let himself into the house.
PS 是因为德思礼先生碰到了一堆怪事,心神不宁,所以“要让自己镇定下来”

2、Most mysterious.And now,over to Jim McGuffin with the weather. Going to be any more showers of owls tonight,Jim?
(新闻播音员说)真是太奇怪了。现在我把话筒交给吉姆 麦古芬,问问他天气情况如何。吉姆,今天夜里还会下猫头鹰雨吗?(同样出自魔法石第一章)




最为神秘一刻,又即将转至幸存下来的吉姆 麦克金.嘿,吉姆,今晚还会落猫头鹰雨吗?

NOW 这里是又的意思 强调 英文里有的时候出现"NOW WHAT?" 意思是,又怎么了?还想怎样的意思



1. According to this quotation do you have any other problems? If no problem, please confirm my quotation and provide your order as soon as possible so that we can arrange production as soon as possible.

2. The attachment of quotations, update if no problem, please according to my amendment to update your orders.
Modify content as follows:
1. Delete the quotation 30 of increased 40 of the table, tea table
2. The door of quotation 50 of increased
I'll let the salesman and contact, explain.

Dear LISA:
AF89009 this order, the original the PULL IN request of the delivery date is on May 20. AF7890 and AF99039 in order to meet the urgent delivery of the goods after these 2 orders of delivery, the goods on April 25, 7 k.
Now we are trying to PULL IN, the hope can delivery to your company on May 29, thank you!

1、Trying to pull himself together,he let himself into the house.他先让自己镇定下来,随后就进屋去了。(出自魔法石第一章)PS 是因为德思礼先生碰到了一堆怪事,心神不宁,所以“要让自己镇定下来”2、Most mysterious.And now,over to Jim McGuffin with the weather. Going to be any mo...

意思是:谢谢。重点词汇:Thanks 英[θæŋks]释义:n.谢谢(只用复数)int.谢谢 短语:thanks to由于;幸亏;多亏;多亏了 词语使用变化:thank n.(名词)1、thank用作名词必须用复数形式thanks,意思是“感谢,谢谢,道谢的话”。2、thank前可用many,best,a thousand修饰,也可说Than...

英语 高手 进来下! 帮忙翻译 一段 话 !谢谢拉
surely--的确的,安全的 meant--mean的过去式 can't help doing sth.是指忍不住做某事 这段话的意思是:我不知道你的爱有多深,但我还是忍不住和你坠入爱河.就像河流那样飞流直下那样汹涌.(请)握住我的手,握住我全部的生命,因为我控制不住要爱上你!因为这表达的是一种爱的感觉,所以翻译的时候...

1. According to this quotation do you have any other problems? If no problem, please confirm my quotation and provide your order as soon as possible so that we can arrange production as soon as possible.2. The attachment of quotations, update if no problem, please according to ...


你心里将盈溢着喜悦的泪 Oh can't you see it baby 你看不出来吗?宝贝 You don't have to close your eyes 你不需闭上眼睛 'Cos it's standing right before you 因为这一切就在你面前 All that you need will surely come... 你所期望的终将实现 参考资料:另一知道 ...

大概翻译如下:大家好,我来自。。。很荣幸为大家做这次演讲。大家都知道有句谚语,有志者,事竟成,换句话讲,就是只要你有了强烈的愿望去实现它,你会集中你所有的能量去完成,这样你就会成功。在我八岁的时候, 我的父亲帮我买了一辆自行车, 我非常喜欢它。但是我却步敢驾驭它,我想这对我来说...

children are been stranded in inside 5)在开幕式上,市政府将为一千多名来宾提供饮食。at the opening ceremony, the municipal government will be more than 1000 guests provides the diet 6)在中国,城市家庭只允许生一个孩子。In China, the urban family only allowed to have a child ...

英语翻译:In New York's Central Park zoo, a lion, a zebra, hippopotamus and giraffe are good friends, by the people's favorite New York, and three meals a day no worries about Leo, enjoy wealth.However, the zebra felt all this memorable, he has been longing for a return ...

汉译法 请高手帮忙翻一下,谢谢。
1. Si je dispose de suffisamment de temps, je vais je pour rendre visite aux enseignants du cycle secondaire.2.我建议你到农村去度假;我想,今年夏天海边会有不少人。2. Je vous conseille de passer votre vacances à la campagne; Je pense que cet été il y aurait beaucoup de...