
英文:Many years later will hear to this first song, I or will not be ableto bear have tears streaming down the face.
法文:Beaucoup d'ans après entendra à cette première chanson, I ou nesera pas ours d'ableto ont des larmes couler en bas du visage.

After years of hearing this song, I could not help but burst. 这是英语

Après des années d'entendre cette chanson, je ne pourrais pas aider mais ai éclaté.

Beaucoup d'annees apres,en entendant cette chanson,je ne peux m'empecher de pleurer.

英文翻译,我把这首歌从新改编成了另外一个版本 ,这句话如何准确表达?

I have adapted this song into another version.

This has great risk in leading to clients' complaint.

1.These adages tells us that the significance of friend.2.If you have to make a decision, I believe I want to be your best friend.3.My English is very poor,so you guys may feel that I am a quiet person, actually I am not, I look forward to being friends with you....

英文:Many years later will hear to this first song, I or will not be ableto bear have tears streaming down the face.法文:Beaucoup d'ans après entendra à cette première chanson, I ou nesera pas ours d'ableto ont des larmes couler en bas du visage....

With the development of the society, people are becoming increasingly intersted in spiritual life and "being thankful" are frequently reffered to. The Germany poet Raul Delin have said:" full of achievements, man should live a poitic life on the earth." We are flooded with thankfu...

This problem has been received by us, thanks a lot for your feedback, we will put the desiccant in all the plastic bags from next week on.希望可以帮到你 纯手写,望采纳

I love you, although I didn't love you in the way you request.But it doesn't mean I don't love you. Trust me, I can do what I promise. What I want is very simple - come back to me.Don't say you want to study and take it as an excuse. It is really unfair. ...

We need to get approval from the customer before the release of the product, this will take some time to wait for customer's response, once have update I will inform you in time.

2. "Me too, I'm very grateful."3. "Really? You are grateful to see me?"4. "Yes, really, very grateful..."5. "I don't know if anyone told you this before, ...you actually look even more handsome in real person than on TV. But I'm sure you've heard ...

customers have been made to the bank and how the assets and liabilities in the balance between the search and takes into account the risks and income. At present, China still lacks a complete set of norms of individual credit system, which to a large extent restricted commercial b...

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this essay will first touch on the past developing trends and the current status of the real estate industry, focus on the significance of cost control. Secondly, it will examine the prepartion, construction and the final ending process of a building industry with a main focus on ...