
英:你半夜出来闲逛是为了等待奇迹吗? You out midnight to wander for waiting a miracle?
文:奇迹是不能等待的,要去寻找。 We can just find it rather than wait

黄昏总是会让我觉得很无助 Dusk always make me feel helpless
好像一切都要结束了 as if everything would be over.
可是新的开始又毫无踪迹 but new coming has no trace
所以我从小就害怕面对这个时候 so I am afraid of this moment till now
好像身边的一切很快就要消失 it seems that it will all disappear quickly
却无力去挽回 however,I am unable to save it.

其实黑夜与白天的交替真的很短暂 well,the alternate between night and day is really short
一切都若隐若现的 things appear indistinctly
只有用心的人才可以体会得到 only by using your heart can you understand it
如果世上只有夜与昼 if it has only day and night
黑暗与光明 dark and light
你将失去中间最丰富的层次 you will miss the richest level
也会失去一些快乐 and some happiness
所以我觉得要勇敢地面对 therefore, I think I must face it bravely
才可以得到这快乐 so that I can catch the happiness.
也许勇敢和快乐就是一体的 maybe braveness and happiness are together
我希望你勇敢而且快乐 I wish you brave and happy

一切都已经结束 it is all over
一切都像是梦境 it is just likes a dream
一切都已经变得平和 it is already calm
一切都回到了原来 it comes back to before
不知应该去感激生活 I don’t know how to appreciate life
给我这样的记忆 to give me the memory
还是应该去憎恶生活 or detest it
给我这样的冲动 give me the impulse

或许都不是 maybe all not
因为生活是我无法去评价,无法掌控的 since life can not be evaluated and controlled
所以我应该学会的只是面对 I should just learn how to face it
其实原本这里就是我的选择actually it is my choice here
其实这些熟悉的书本 the familiar books
就是我的生活 that is my life
可是我 but I
还是会想到她 will still think of her

Do you know that there are 7 bridges,each of which can cross the river.
I do know ,when I come here for the first time ,you have told me,I should have known it that time
So what?
Every one can get to the same place,that is me,it is mine,in the days,in the sky and in our brave and strong heart,I ‘d like to thank you
For what?
You make me know what is growing up.
Men grow up because of women,but women?
Women grow up for falling love with a man.
But who makes each other grow up usually can’t be together
You refer to us?
It should be,but not only for us!

That morning,it suddenly began to rain,In the following years,I often think of the unexpected rain to be our last miracle,I have never expected that you would be the first one who send me,above all,I won’t see you all my life

50 years passed
We are yet old
I am so happy that I can write letters to you
remember the letter?
I have not read it
But I understand it using my lifetime
Wuzhen has not changed
But the world turns quickly
It has also changed
Like the world
Even I finally become Uncle Qi
I stay here all my life
And I know everything here
And understand that
那一年 你为什麽会来又会走的原因
Why you would come back and leave that year
The beauty here is a mixure of loss and depress
It is the trace of the time passing
Our name was engraved on the wall of wuzhen monuments
As if it is bound to happen
And finish like this
We loved
In the past
We loved sincerely
And try to prove
Love has no reason
No distance,no answer
We do it at this point
Not just we
Also others
A poet named Neruda
When gorgeous leaf region,
life vein only then distinctly obviously.
north is our love,
must arrive at the frost to dye the black hair,
when the time elapses,can look like winter's trunk and branches to be ordinary,
is clear, brave, strong.

English: you wander to wait at miracles?
Wen: miracle is can't wait, to find.

Dusk will always let me feel helpless
Everything seemed to be over
But a new start and no trace
So I was afraid to face this time
Like all around you will soon disappear
But unable to go to recover

The night and day in the alternate really short
Everything is concealed
Only by talents can be realized
If the world only night and day
Dark and light
You will lose the rich administrative levels
You will lose some happiness
So I think to bravely face
Can get this happiness
Perhaps happiness is a brave and
I wish you joy and courage

It's all over
All like dream
Everything has become calm
All returned to the original
Do not know should go to appreciate life
Give me this kind of memory
Should go to detest life
Give me this impulse
Maybe not
Because of life
I cannot go to evaluation, cannot control
So I should learn to just face
Actually, I was here
Actually these familiar with books
Is my life
But I
Will still think of her

Wen: "you know? Here are seven Bridges, each bridge can pass this river."
English: "I know, when I first come when you told me, I should understand at the time."
Wen: "what?"
English: "each bridge can be in the same place, it is I myself! My ah, it in the days of the sky, and in our brave, strong heart, I want to thank you."
Wen: "thank me what!"
English: "thank you, let me know what is growing!"
Wen: "a man because of the woman and growth, the woman?"
English: "love a woman should because men."
Wen: "but often make each other to grow, often cannot together!"
English: "you say is we?"
Wen: "should be right, but not just for us!"

That morning, the sky suddenly it began to rain, in the following years, I often think of the heavy rain, the sudden, we finally miracle, I thought I first came to send people would be you, and I will not see you all his life.

Over the past five years
We are old
Can write to you
Really very happy
Remember that letter
All my life I have no apart
Can I use lifetime read it
Wuzhen haven't changed
But the world is very quick
Wuzhen also changed
And the world all changed
Even I have finally became's uncle
I stay here a lifetime
Finally the real known everything here
And finally understand
That year,
Why you would come
And will go
Here is a lost and desperate
When life is passing traces of
In fact, our name engraved on the wall of wuzhen monuments
If this story is bound to happen
But also destined to end this way
We loved
In the youth in the past years
We really love
And try to prove
Love is without reason
No, not answer a thing
At this point we have done
And not just to us
They also
A poet called NieLuDa
He said
When the gorgeous leaves fell
In the context of life takes visible
If our love
Also want to frost dyed green silk
Time can
As the winter stems generally clear
Brave and strong
We have drunken in the water
Like any time
Time passes

Wen: miracle is can't wait, to find.

Dusk will always let me feel helpless
Everything seemed to be over
But a new start and no trace
So I was afraid to face this time
Like all around you will soon disappear
But unable to go to recover

The night and day in the alternate really short
Everything is concealed
Only by talents can be realized
If the world only night and day
Dark and light
You will lose the rich administrative levels
You will lose some happiness
So I think to bravely face
Can get this happiness
Perhaps happiness is a brave and
I wish you joy and courage

It's all over
All like dream
Everything has become calm
All returned to the original
Do not know should go to appreciate life
Give me this kind of memory
Should go to detest life
Give me this impulse
Maybe not
Because of life
I cannot go to evaluation, cannot control
So I should learn to just face
Actually, I was here
Actually these familiar with books
Is my life
But I
Will still think of her

Wen: "you know? Here are seven Bridges, each bridge can pass this river."
English: "I know, when I first come when you told me, I should understand at the time."
Wen: "what?"
English: "each bridge can be in the same place, it is I myself! My ah, it in the days of the sky, and in our brave, strong heart, I want to thank you."
Wen: "thank me what!"
English: "thank you, let me know what is growing!"
Wen: "a man because of the woman and growth, the woman?"
English: "love a woman should because men."
Wen: "but often make each other to grow, often cannot together!"
English: "you say is we?"
Wen: "should be right, but not just for us!"

That morning, the sky suddenly it began to rain, in the following years, I often think of the heavy rain, the sudden, we finally miracle, I thought I first came to send people would be you, and I will not see you all his life.

Over the past five years
We are old
Can write to you
Really very happy
Remember that letter
All my life I have no apart
Can I use lifetime read it
Wuzhen haven't changed
But the world is very quick
Wuzhen also changed
And the world all changed
Even I have finally became's uncle
I stay here a lifetime
Finally the real known everything here
And finally understand
That year,
Why you would come
And will go
Here is a lost and desperate
When life is passing traces of
In fact, our name engraved on the wall of wuzhen monuments
If this story is bound to happen
But also destined to end this way
We loved
In the youth in the past years
We really love
And try to prove
Love is without reason
No, not answer a thing
At this point we have done
And not just to us
They also
A poet called NieLuDa
He said
When the gorgeous leaves fell
In the context of life takes visible
If our love
Also want to frost dyed green silk
Time can
As the winter stems generally clear
Brave and strong
We have drunken in the water
Like any time
Time passes

The lines of artistic conception, and embodies the original answers. Thank you,

Britain: the middle of the night out you around waiting for a miracle to you?
Text: can not wait for a miracle, and go looking for.

Evening always makes me feel helpless
It seems everything has to be the end of the
However, the lack of the beginning of a new trail
From an early age so I fear the face of this time
All around us seemed to disappear soon
Has the ability to restore

In fact, the turn of the night and during the day is really a very short
Albeit not very clearly all the
Intention can only realized the talent
If only the world Night and day
Darkness and Light
You will lose the level of the middle of the most abundant
Will lose some happiness
Therefore, I feel the need to confront
This can only be happy
Perhaps the brave and happy is one of the
I hope you courageous and happy

Everything has come to an end
Everything is like a dream
Everything has become calm
Everything back to the original
I do not know should be grateful to life
For giving me the memory
Should hate to live
I have the impulse to
Perhaps not
Because life
I am unable to assess, can not be controlled
Therefore, I should learn to face the only
In fact, here is my original choice
In fact, those familiar with the books
Is my life
But I
Or would have thought that she

Text: "You know what? There are seven bridges, each bridge can be traversed in this river"
British: "I know that when I first came here I told you, then I should be aware Hou"
Text: "understand what?"
British: "Each day can be a bridge to the same place, and that is my own! Is my ah, in the years to come, in Beyond the Horizon, in our brave, strong heart, I would like to thank you"
Text: "I do thank ah!"
British: "Thank you let me know what is growing!"
Text: "because women and men to grow, and that women do?"
British: "Women should be falling in love with a man of talents because of growing up."
Text: "But more often than not grow up with each other, and often can not together!"
British: "You are talking about us?"
Text: "should be, but not just us!"

That morning, the sky all of a sudden it began to rain, after years, I often think that the sudden heavy rain, is not our last miracle I did not think I am the first person to be sent to you, and I will see you life.

Fifty years have passed
We are all old
You can also write to
Really happy
Still remember the letter you
My life is not open
I read it with his life
Wuzhen no change
But the world has changed a good快啊
Wuzhen has changed
And the world are the same for all the
Even I have finally become a齐叔叔
I would like to stay a lifetime
Finally here really familiar with all
Also come to understand the
Why do you come to
Will follow the reasons for
The United States is also lost in the United States is desperate
Love is gone traces left behind
In fact, our name carved on the walls of this monument Wuzhen
As if this story is destined to occur
But also doomed to end this way
We loved
In the past years of youth
We really love too
And try to show that
Love is no reason to
There is no distance, there is no answer to the one thing
At this point we do
And not just us
They also like
There is a poet Pablo Neruda called
He said
When China and the United States leaves left
Only the thread of life can be seen distinctly
Is not our love
Also to the cream dye青丝
The passage of time can be
Branches in the northern winter as the general definition
Brave strong
We have drunk the water
Ren Love Things
Things Past

English: you wander to wait at miracles?
Wen: miracle is can't wait, to find.

Dusk will always let me feel helpless
Everything seemed to be over
But a new start and no trace
So I was afraid to face this time
Like all around you will soon disappear
But unable to go to recover

The night and day in the alternate really short
Everything is concealed
Only by talents can be realized
If the world only night and day
Dark and light
You will lose the rich administrative levels
You will lose some happiness
So I think to bravely face
Can get this happiness
Perhaps happiness is a brave and
I wish you joy and courage

It's all over
All like dream
Everything has become calm
All returned to the original
Do not know should go to appreciate life
Give me this kind of memory
Should go to detest life
Give me this impulse
Maybe not
Because of life
I cannot go to evaluation, cannot control
So I should learn to just face
Actually, I was here
Actually these familiar with books
Is my life
But I
Will still think of her

Wen: "you know? Here are seven Bridges, each bridge can pass this river."
English: "I know, when I first come when you told me, I should understand at the time."
Wen: "what?"
English: "each bridge can be in the same place, it is I myself! My ah, it in the days of the sky, and in our brave, strong heart, I want to thank you."
Wen: "thank me what!"
English: "thank you, let me know what is growing!"
Wen: "a man because of the woman and growth, the woman?"
English: "love a woman should because men."
Wen: "but often make each other to grow, often cannot together!"
English: "you say is we?"
Wen: "should be right, but not just for us!"

That morning, the sky suddenly it began to rain, in the following years, I often think of the heavy rain, the sudden, we finally miracle, I thought I first came to send people would be you, and I will not see you all his life.

Over the past five years
We are old
Can write to you
Really very happy
Remember that letter
All my life I have no apart
Can I use lifetime read it
Wuzhen haven't changed
But the world is very quick
Wuzhen also changed
And the world all changed
Even I have finally became's uncle
I stay here a lifetime
Finally the real known everything here
And finally understand
That year,
Why you would come
And will go
Here is a lost and desperate
When life is passing traces of
In fact, our name engraved on the wall of wuzhen monuments
If this story is bound to happen
But also destined to end this way
We loved
In the youth in the past years
We really love
And try to prove
Love is without reason
No, not answer a thing
At this point we have done
And not just to us
They also
A poet called NieLuDa
He said
When the gorgeous leaves fell
In the context of life takes visible
If our love
Also want to frost dyed green silk
Time can
As the winter stems generally clear
Brave and strong
We have drunken in the water
Like any time
Time passes

The lines of artistic conception, and embodies the original answers. Thank you,

English: you wander to wait at miracles?
Wen: miracle is can't wait, to find.

Dusk will always let me feel helpless
Everything seemed to be over
But a new start and no trace
So I was afraid to face this time
Like all around you will soon disappear
But unable to go to recover

The night and day in the alternate really short
Everything is concealed
Only by talents can be realized
If the world only night and day
Dark and light
You will lose the rich administrative levels
You will lose some happiness
So I think to bravely face
Can get this happiness
Perhaps happiness is a brave and
I wish you joy and courage

It's all over
All like dream
Everything has become calm
All returned to the original
Do not know should go to appreciate life
Give me this kind of memory
Should go to detest life
Give me this impulse
Maybe not
Because of life
I cannot go to evaluation, cannot control
So I should learn to just face
Actually, I was here
Actually these familiar with books
Is my life
But I
Will still think of her

Wen: "you know? Here are seven Bridges, each bridge can pass this river."
English: "I know, when I first come when you told me, I should understand at the time."
Wen: "what?"
English: "each bridge can be in the same place, it is I myself! My ah, it in the days of the sky, and in our brave, strong heart, I want to thank you."
Wen: "thank me what!"
English: "thank you, let me know what is growing!"
Wen: "a man because of the woman and growth, the woman?"
English: "love a woman should because men."
Wen: "but often make each other to grow, often cannot together!"
English: "you say is we?"
Wen: "should be right, but not just for us!"

That morning, the sky suddenly it began to rain, in the following years, I often think of the heavy rain, the sudden, we finally miracle, I thought I first came to send people would be you, and I will not see you all his life.

Over the past five years
We are old
Can write to you
Really very happy
Remember that letter
All my life I have no apart
Can I use lifetime read it
Wuzhen haven't changed
But the world is very quick
Wuzhen also changed
And the world all changed
Even I have finally became's uncle
I stay here a lifetime
Finally the real known everything here
And finally understand
That year,
Why you would come
And will go
Here is a lost and desperate
When life is passing traces of
In fact, our name engraved on the wall of wuzhen monuments
If this story is bound to happen
But also destined to end this way
We loved
In the youth in the past years
We really love
And try to prove
Love is without reason
No, not answer a thing
At this point we have done
And not just to us
They also
A poet called NieLuDa
He said
When the gorgeous leaves fell
In the context of life takes visible
If our love
Also want to frost dyed green silk
Time can
As the winter stems generally clear
Brave and strong
We have drunken in the water
Like any time
Time passes

100分中译英 请帮忙翻译一小段话.

Dear Sir/Madame,

My name is xxx. I am a student from China currently studying in the University of Manitoba. I would like to apply for a Return Visa because I plan to go back to my country during Christmas holidays after the final exams and return to Canada to continue my studies afterwards.

This is my second year of study in Canada. For the first two semesters, I had a hard time to adapt to the new environment in the university, with lots of things to learn. The cold weather in the winter of Manitoba was especially harsh for me in the beginning, which made me homesick sometimes. Consequently, I did not take too many courses, and my performances in those courses were also less than ideal. However, I have been working harder since the last summer, things have been getting better, and my grades went up. I have already worked out my plan for for the fall semester and the spring semester of next year. I want to do my best in order to finish my university education here as soon as possible.

I have not returned to my home country for a year now, and I miss my family very much. I really would love to see my two-and-half years old little brother. He was born after I came to Canada and is such a lovely little thing, but I have not seen him for a year. My mom told me that he kept asking her when I would go home to see him.

I shall gratefully appreciate your granting me a Return Visa so that I could join my family for the holidays.

Best regards,

Yours Sincerely




We wander in the palace of music. We ramble through the gallery of songs. Although no impassioned musical master is here, nor the melodic voice from superstar singers, we are deeply indulged in the interaction between the music and our souls. We are miraculously enchanted by the outburst of sincere feelings.

Everyone of you is a talented musician. You freeze the most beautiful moments in our hearts with your singing. Ranking results are nothing important when we think of what beautiful memories this special experience leaves to us. Where there is hard work, there must be a success well deserved. Let us give our applause to the bravery of all the singers, and for their performances. We give our heartfelt thanks for bringing us this music feast! Today you are the winners for this conpetition, and tomorrow, you will be the winners for your life!


英:你半夜出来闲逛是为了等待奇迹吗? You out midnight to wander for waiting a miracle?文:奇迹是不能等待的,要去寻找。 We can just find it rather than wait 二 英:黄昏总是会让我觉得很无助 Dusk always make me feel helpless 好像一切都要结束了 as if everything would be over....

1, I love you, but I could do nothing about it.2, I give you the whole heart, but you did not care.3, why is my heart still pain?4, once the love has gone, was too late to regret it.5, I beg your pardon, for your love, I am addictive.6, we agreed, I will...

1. I come from a **, it is the capital of the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. It is located in the southern part of Guangxi, are economic, political and cultural center. For Nanning, we can say that a policy has brought glory to it. In 2004, the Central at the first ...

生命诚可贵,爱情价更高,若为自由故,二者皆可抛 。

1。您需要吗?Do you need it?2。希望你能喜欢!I wish\/hope you like it.3。您愿意在国外代理和销售我的产品吗?Would you like to be our agent and help sell our products in foreign countries?4。古老而美丽的中国艺术!The ancient and elegant Chinese art.5。无与伦比!Unparallelable...

高分!请高手帮忙翻译10句,中译英,好的再追加悬赏 1、无论在固定汇率还是浮动汇率都不能取代完好的宏观经济政策。这些政策显然包括货币政策和财政政策。2、由于最近泰国实施了一些极端的控制手段,泰国银行已不被允许向进行投机的外国... 1、无论在固定汇率还是浮动汇率都不能取代完好的宏观经济政策。这些政策显然...

以此为背景,让我清楚说明了广阔的,基本原则后,这些准备工作都是基于: L时,在事隔,主张语言学及包括语言学概论,语音和音位,词法和句法,语义(即健全,形式,以及意义) ,并对比语言和文化的分析都源语(即,学生的家庭语言)和目标语(即,语文作为教训) 。的L也主张语文的学生,也有可能...

and good partners, but also I talk a good target. If I have trouble, she will help me. If she has, I would help her. Although we can not meet regularly, but sometimes we will call greetings to each other. I hope our friendship forever. "我是翻译家 参考资料:自己 ...

奥运会马上就要开幕了,到时候我们有可能会放假,所以这段时间都比较忙。我表姐前几天回国了,她说有一个月左右的时间玩,你有没有时间到中国看看啊,顺便来看看我,哈哈。到时可以让她做你的免费导游!现在中国的天气也是非常炎热的。有个不太好的消息要告诉你,我的英语水平没有很大提升.The Olympic ...

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