
约翰•列侬John Lennon
保罗•卡麦锡Paul Mccartney
乔治•哈里森George Harrison
林里•斯达尔: Ringo Starr(林戈·斯塔)
节奏吉它手rhythm guitar player
低音吉他Bass guitar,又称为贝斯
主奏吉它手lead guitar player
爵士鼓(又名架子鼓)是一种打击乐器,英文称作Drum kit或Drum set,集合许多打击乐器 为一体,基本的组合包括了大鼓(bass drum)、小鼓(snare drum)、两个中鼓(tom tom)、 一个落地鼓(Floor Tom)、脚踏钹(Hi-Hat Cymbal)和两片铜钹(a ride cymbal)
反上流社会Anti-Social high
Anti-Traditional art反正统艺术

The “Beetles” band (called in China) is called“Beatles”in English,”Beat” means “beat and flop” in English. “Beatles” was composed of John Lennon, Paul Mccartney, George Harrison, and Ringo Starr in 1960. Among the four members, Lennon was the singer and the rhythm guitar player, Mccartney was the singer and bass guitar player, Harrison was the lead guitar player, and Starr was the drum kit player. The band issued its first record in September, 1962, then the sale of its records accounted for 60 % of the total records in America in the first season of 1964, and the first visitation of the band to America was the most resounding event in America that year. ”Beatles” sharply and quickly contacted the content of social sensitive problems with its styles of anti-social high and anti-Traditional art, and its manner of challenging with common customs on the arena conquered the youths from all the countries. Many songs expressed the despaired, turndown, and resentful mood of the youths’ generation who lived in Capital society.

"Beatles" (Beatles) of the alias of Beatles and Beat are the meanings of "The grapple pulses" in English. From John Beatles is 1960Is it Lennon, and is it Paul?Is it ka Mugisz, and is it George?Is it Harrison, and is the woods hometown?Composition..Lennon..take charge of..rhythm..guitar..hand..sing..take..McCarthy..take charge of..bass..guitar..hand..sing..take..Harrison..chiefly..guitar..hand..perform..drummer.The band issues the first record in September, 1962, and the amount of sales in the record of the band reaches summarized amount of sales in the record in the United States 60%, and becomes the event of this age that the United States is visited for the first time and the United States makes seethe most in the first quarter of 1964. It opposed High Society by it, and Beatles reversely was a distinctive character of a legitimate art and came in contact with the content of a sensitive problem of the society boldly sharply and quickly, undid on the stage ..that.., and conquered the young person in behavior and each country of the challenge in the world. Feelings that feel indignation when falling young person of the first generation in capitalism society being disappointed because a lot of songs express it.

The shell insect music band again a" Beatles private"( Beatles), the Beat is the meaning of" fight the shot flutter" in English. Does the shell insect music band is in 1960 from John?Row 侬 , protect Luo?Card 麦 tin, George?Is the 哈 in 森 , wood?The 斯 reaches the 尔 to constitute, they four personal medium be serve as by the row agriculture to sing on stage and the rhythm 吉 its hand, the 麦 card tin serves as to sing on stage and the bass 吉 its hand, 哈 in the 森 plays the 吉 its hand for the lord, the 斯 reaches the 尔 to allow the shelf drummer.The music band published the first record in September 1962, the first quarter degree in 1964, the record of the music band sell the quantity was up to the American record total sell the quantity of 60%, that year of visit for the very first time beautiful become the affairs that the United States cause a sensation most .The shell insect music band with its nti- upper-class society, the style of the anti- orthodox tradition art, sharp and fast presume the contents of get in touch with the social sensitive problem, on the satge that kind of bearing that challenges with customs, conquered all countries youth.Not a few songs expressed the capitalism social generation youth disappointment, low fall and the mood of the anger 懑 .

Pink band called "hit" (Beatles), Beat in English is "wrestle beating." Pink band is 1960 约翰• out by Lennon, Paul •卡麦 tin, 乔治• Harrison, Mr. Lin li •斯 who included four individuals from farmers as singing and rhythm Jitashou, McCarthy served as singing and bass Jitashou, Harrison dominated play Jitashou, Sidaer the Jiazigu hand. September 1962 band issued one albums, the first quarter of 1964, band music sales up 60% of the total turnover of U.S. LP, the first visit to the United States as the United States, the most sensational events. Pink band with its anti-upper class community, anyway - art style, sharp and fast access to social sensitivities dare to the content on the stage with the kind of behaviour secular challenges, the conquest of national youth. Many songs demonstrated that the younger generation in a capitalist society, the poor and depressed mood.


Fortunately, one of the converts to the Quaker faith, William Penn.
was the son of a close friend of Charles Ⅱ. When the older Penn died, the
King owed him a large sum of money.William Penn asked for payment of
this debt in the form of land in the NewWorld where he could make a
haven for the persecuted Friends,both from England and from Continental
75 Europe. Anxious to rid England of thisradical group, Charles in 1681,
quickly granted Penn the rights to a colonyto be called Pennsylvania on the
Delaware River near the Dutch settlementsof New Amsterdam.[1] Founded
特拉华河附近的荷兰settlementsof [ 1 ]成立新阿姆斯特丹。
at a time when business was good inEngland, the colony immediately pros
pered as no other early settlement did.Pennsylvania also provided an indi
cation of what America was to be: it was alarge community where differ-
ent races and religions lived under thesame government on terms of equali
ty.William Penn's liberalism helped start the great "melting pot"[2] inAmerica.
泰。威廉佩恩的自由主义开始帮助伟大的“熔炉”[ 2 ]在美国。






我在这里的事情已经全部办好。【我已经做完了我在这里应该做的所有的事。】我真诚的感谢你:这次麻烦你了,我十分感激。我将于今天下午两点乘火车返家。特来辞行,并请代我向你的妻子问好。你永远的挚友 Paul 【我可以说英文人名我不喜欢翻译出来么 ~恩恩~望采纳啊~~】...

1, 许多人对此书作出贡献,一些是直接的-例如作者、编辑等—而另一些是通过他们的鼓励和支持的间接贡献。成为本书的编辑是令人振奋的。要在12个月内完成作品成为一个奇迹。和这样的同事一起工作成为一种特权。我们衷心谢谢你们的参与。2,现在旅游业是欧共体的唯一最大的经济活动的说法得到认可,而且旅...

谢了。有奖励的。 我下个星期要演讲的,大家帮我翻译一下:我的偶像艾弗森是一个伟大的篮球运动员,他在联盟里已经12年的,有很多的球迷。他是一个很有个性的球员,他穿着各种漂亮的衣服,但从来不穿西... 我下个星期要演讲的,大家帮我翻译一下:我的偶像艾弗森是一个伟大的篮球运动员,他在联盟里已经12年的,有...

Winter fun 寒假终于到了,我可要好好玩一玩。Winter vacation finally arrived, I can be a better fun to play with.我找来了好朋友李艳,和她来到了小区的操场上。突然,我们发现了一只奇怪的昆虫。这只奇怪的昆虫也是长着六只脚,浑身绿油油的,头的前面还长着两根长长的触须。这是什么东西呢...


一名警察来到我问: "你现在需要帮助吗" ?我不明白。所以我说: "你很亲切。我们沿着道路下来。 "他看着我们的东西,开始看鲜花,然后看书架。 "好,好, "他笑这说到, "你放在这里一个书架!我们以为这是别的东西。 "我的妻子就开始发笑。我忽然明白警察为什么开车到这里。


急急急!!! 请大家帮忙!帮我用英语翻译一篇文章
今天是9月23日,是我妈妈的生日。我和爸爸去买了一个蛋糕给她。放在她的床边,我想她一定会很高兴 Today is September 23rd, is my mother's birthday. I and father bought a cake for her and put it by the side of her bed, I thought she would be very happy....

Fortunately, one of the converts to the Quaker faith, William Penn.幸运的是,其中的转换为贵格会信仰,威廉佩恩。was the son of a close friend of Charles Ⅱ. When the older Penn died, the 是查尔斯的亲密朋友的儿子。当老潘死了,King owed him a large sum of money.William Penn ...
