
问题一:学习用英语怎么说 study和learn都是。
1. learn为“学习,学会”,侧重学习的成果,指从不知到知,从不会到会的学习,强调通过学习去获得知识和技能,它没亥凭勤奋努力而获得知识的意味。learn亦可指向某人学习,从某处学习及学习一门技能等。
如 learn music, learn new words, learn to skate, learn from experience, learn from Lei Feng
2. study为“学习,研究”,强调学习的过程,指深入系统地学习,带有努力,勤奋的意味。其学习对象往往是科学,艺术和需要深入探讨,研究的问题及学科,不是单纯地获得技巧。如:study medicine, study science, study a map, study engineering, study painting。
下列句子中的learn 和 study均不能互换:
If you study hard, you\'ll learn the language well.
He learned traditional Chinese medicine from a famous Chinese doctor. 他跟随一位著名的中国医生学习中医。
She studied late at night. 她晚上学习到很晚。
He is studying the problem of X-rays. 他正在研究X射线的问题。
3.在指某学科的“学习”时,或在不需要强调两者的区别时, learn 和study可以换用。如:
How long have you learned/ studied Japanese? 你学习日语有多久了?
We must keep on learning/ studying if we do not want to lag behind the times. 如果我们不想落在时代后面的话,就必须不断学习。

问题二:我学过英语,这句话用英语怎么说 I can speak a bit English. - 我可以说一点英语。
I can speak a little bit English. - 我可以说一点英语。
I have learnt some English before. - 我学过一些英语。
I have learnt a (little) bit English before. - 我学过一点英语
I (can) understand some simple English. - 我 (可以) 明白一些简单的英语。
I have learnt English but not much. - 我学过英语但不多。
I have learnt English but only a little bit. - 我学过英语但只有一点。
我不知道你为什么要问这个。要和谁说。所以我给了你一些别的句子。我给你其它的一些句子是因为有的时候如果你说你学过英语,尤其是外国人,有些人会以为 “学过” 的意思是你可以讲很好的英语。但是你加上“一点”就不一样了。这只是我的亲身经历而已。

问题三:"你英语学得怎么样"用英语怎么说 【看这个】
how are you getting on with your english?
how's your恭english?
how do you learn english? 大错特错!
how about your english? 是地道的chinglish……

问题四:我想学英语,用英语怎么说? I want to learn English.

很高兴为你解答,祝你学习进步!一刻永远523 为你解答~~

learn to do 学着做 。learn to do 英[lɜːn tu duː]美[lɜːrn tu duː]网络学会做事; 做事; 学会做; 学习做某事; 学做。[例句]It is widely accepted that young babies learn to do things because certain acts lead to reward.人们普遍认为,婴儿...

学着做 用英语表达 翻译如下:Learn to do [例句]Nevertheless, we still very happy because we start learning to do.尽管如此,我们还是挺高兴,因为我们开始学着做了。

学习做某事用英语可以说 "learn how to do something"。例如:I'm learning how to cook Chinese food.She is learning how to play guitar.They are learning how to speak French.

英语中 学会做某事 和 学习做某事 如何表示呢?
在英语中,"learn"这个词的用法可以分为三种:一是“learn sth”,如在学校学到舞蹈或电脑知识;二是“learn to do sth”,如你正在努力学习钢琴演奏,这表明你对这项技能的追求还未达到熟练;三是“have to learn [疑问词]to do sth”,比如我们必须学会如何用英语写得好,这里强调的是学习任务...

learn how to do sth.学会做某事 学会做某事[xué huì zuò mǒu shì]词典 get one's hand in 网络 Learn to do sth;  Learn how to do sth; 

学习做某事 learn to do sth; learn the ropes 例句:我们以为自己稍后会去做某事,稍后会去读本古典小说,或是稍后去学习法语。We think we're going to do something later, or read that classic novel later, or learn French later 希望能帮助到你,望采纳!!!

Learning by doing或者By do we learn.一个是现在进行式,另一个是一般过去式哦!!希望能帮助你哦!!!

学生们整天忙着做作业 用英语怎么说
1.The students are busy doing their homework all day.2.The students are busy with their homework all day 3.The students are occupied doing their homework all day “忙着做某事”有以下3个短语:be occupied doing sth be busy doing be busy with “整天”也有三种说法,可以任意用...

学习的英文是learn或者study。learn解析如下:一、单词读音:英式发音:[lɜːn]美式发音:[lɜrn]二、单词释义:v. 学习;获得知识;掌握 n. 学习;学问 三、词形变化:过去式:learned 或 learnt 过去分词:learned 或 learnt 现在分词:learning 第三人称单数:learns 四、词语搭配...

I'm busy in studying to prepare for the exam.busy 是不及物动词, 后面接介词 with \/ in, 所以可以说 busy in doing sth or busy with sth.prepare sth 是准备什么做某事,而后面接介词 for , busy for doing sth\/sth 是为什么事情做某准备的意思,接介词中介有个间接意思。