
Je m’appelle xx, professeur
Extinction de vacances d’hiver croit au-dessus de la loi. Je d’hiver de plus par rapport au plan, et souhaite jouer également à apprendre. Par conséquent, je voudrais m’acquitter de Mes seront soigneusement d’hiver de tes devoirs et bien, en particulier la langue française. Je voudrais ensuite à de nombreux romans, assouplir et Mes amis partout à jouer.
Bien entendu, les vacances d’hiver est la plus importante a été la fête du printemps, et je suis prêt, et des parents en acheter des vêtements, des chaussures de nouveaux. Dans ChuXiYe, il reste beaucoup à faire avant de manger, et des membres de leur famille, la fête du printemps en tibétain. Enfin, nous sommes des amis proches, par exemple, va, ChuanMen ci-joint.
La vie est meilleure, congés, je souhaite vacances avec impatience.

Maître, mon nom est xx
Vacances d'hiver dans un autre bientôt, plusieurs de mes projets de vacances d'hiver, et les deux veulent jouer à apprendre. Donc, je dois d'abord terminer mes travaux de vacances d'hiver attention, et ensuite en revue les leçons et, en particulier les Français. Ensuite, je vois beaucoup de romans pour se détendre se détendre et jouer mes amis autour de lui.
Bien sûr, l'hiver est la plus importante fête du Printemps, et je suis prêt avec leurs parents à acheter de nouveaux vêtements et des souliers neufs. New Year's Eve, nous avons à faire beaucoup de bonnes choses, et ensuite chercher à la Fête du Printemps avec leur famille. Enfin, nous irons à des parents et amis de la famille par l'arrêt, envoyer des voeux du Nouvel An à l'autre.
Ah, laissez bien la vie, je ne peux pas attendre de vacances.

The teacher is good, I called xx Shortly afterward shall the winter break, my winter holiday plan more, and both want to play again want to learn. So I first will carefully finish my winter vacation homework, then review lessons well, especially in French. Then I will see many novels let oneself to relax, and friends and I go a little fun. Of course, the winter holiday is the most important in Spring Festival, I prepare and parents together, to buy some new clothes, new shoes. On Chinese New Year's eve, we still need to do a lot of good things, and then together with my family in watching the Spring Festival evening. Finally, our whole family will go to relatives friend's house door, send each other New Year's greetings. Ah, holiday life was good and I can't wait to have a holiday.


The teacher is good, I called xx

Shortly afterward shall the winter break, my winter holiday plan more, and both want to play again want to learn. So I first will carefully finish my winter vacation homework, then review lessons well, especially in French. Then I will see many novels let oneself to relax, and friends and I go a little fun.

Of course, the winter holiday is the most important in Spring Festival, I prepare and parents together, to buy some new clothes, new shoes. On Chinese New Year's eve, we still need to do a lot of good things, and then together with my family in watching the Spring Festival evening. Finally, our whole family will go to relatives friend's house door, send each other New Year's greetings.

Ah, holiday life was good and I can't wait to have a holiday.


Changez les couleurs
Verre d'heure

The business in Hongya was better and better. The little shops nearby such as video shops, building materials shops and book shops did not want Hongya monopolizeall the praises. They changed their facades and began to specialize in garment.Little by little, it turned into a clothing street in the city. These several months,the passenger volume grew day by day. Especially on weekends, the customers came here for buying clothes jostled each other in a crowd. The bosses of the shops laughed even when they were dreaming.

The fame of Clothing Street made the passenger volume grow in duplication, but it also gave the customers more chance to choose.The competition of the shops increased fiercely.They used marketing ingenious ways to attract customers one by one. A period of time, the street was full of advertisements such as“ All five fold”,“Bottom price “and “Final clear out” .A fewdays later, some merchants thought it didn’t work anymore. They set other advertisements such as “Two for one” “Buy one, get two” and “Buy clothes, get a watch”. In the July, a shop announced the membership system, other two shops promoted VIP cardssoon. In the August, two shops began to draw a lottery or raffle, the othershops then followed. In the September, a shop invited some amateur models, played several Clothes Fashion Shows.

6, 8 Banks (zone) involved LIBO R manipulation case was heavy fines of 1.7 billion euros On December 4, the commission announced that it will of eight participating in joint manipulation of the libor rate (i.e., borrowing prices) in financial markets of the big Banks with ...


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7. 帮忙翻译一篇初一的文言文~~ 文天祥被押到潮阳,见到弘范,左右押解之人令其拜见,文天祥坚持不拜.弘范就以宾客之礼接见了他,并与其共入厓山,并要求文天祥作书与张世杰,令其投降.文天祥说:"我不能报效祖国,反而教我让人背叛自己的国家,怎么可以这样做呢?"弘范仍然要求他写招降书,文天祥不得已,把自己...

另外如果直接输入“太平洋电脑网”为关键字时,就会在下面即时显示出网站链接与介绍,选择该链接后即可快速打开该网站。 六、网络释义功能 有道搜索提供了海量词典的翻译功能,通过海量词典可以帮助你翻译一些不认识的英文单词,与其它搜索引擎的在线翻译功能相差不大,另外有道搜索的海量词典还提供了网络...

The出版物中东经济调查说,欧佩克专家委员会已敦促提高价格作为多达两美元30美分,每桶(桶) 。非洲欧佩克成员将受影响的提议价格包括Niggeria ,利比亚和阿尔及利亚。商业刊物说,欧佩克的专家委员会将提出的提案在另一个委员会会议上欧佩克在本月晚些时候在Abu Dhahi (阿希扎比) 。Thanks ...

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out going是 什么意思?
out going中文意思是:外向的;即将离职的;出发的 词语分析:音标:英 ['aʊtɡəʊɪŋ]     美 ['aʊtɡoʊɪŋ]adj. 外向的;即将离职的;出发的 短语:outgoing mail 外埠邮件;发文,外发函件 outgoing message n. 出局信息 outgoing ...

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