


应届毕业生英文求职信 篇1

dear leaders:


  i am xx xx campus university graduates a professional financial accounting, i want to do to your unit of accounting and related work.

  university for four years, i only focus on the basic course of study, and also focus on capacity-building. in school, i seize the time, study hard, with honors completed basic theory of learning. at the same time, i also have plans to take time to read various books, magazines, striving to broaden their knowledge and keep up the pace. the study, out of school, i can try to capture every opportunity to exercise, to get along with people at different levels, so their close contact with the community, feel life, life taste sour, sweet, bitter, spicy, make their own mature as soon as possible.

  now i am eager to work to your organization, so that the theoretical knowledge and practice of organic combination, can make your life a qualitative leap.

  select the unit, wages and benefits than i consider the first condition. i pay more attention to the overall image of the unit, management, staff morale and work atmosphere. i believe that is what i seek your organization's desired objectives. i am confident promise to you: choose me, you will not regret it.



  self-nominations were: xxx

  january xx, xxxx xx

应届毕业生英文求职信 篇2

  Respected leaders:

  Work hard!

  Thank you very much for your time to read my mail.

  I am XX University XX a professional graduates. In school, I do goods life sour, sweet, bitter, hot, the helplessness of life, the reality of life, I know, only hard work can get harvest, I understand, opportunity and struggle are indispensable, God helps those who help themselves, I would like to give my struggle into the pump air wings to fly, the wind to fly until the day. Solidarity, unremittingly, beyond the self, which is my belief.

  In the University, I have been to challenge themselves, to sharpen life, lofty towers begin from the ground, a solid system foundation of knowledge will be the best foundation. Each a sweat has its source, every note has the deep memory.

  On the XX professional, I have mastered the basic skills to master all sorts, from understanding to the application, from the master to the creation of life, let the youth with passion, let fly.

  For your company, I have been favored for a long time, it is a youth.

  Once again to express our heartfelt thanks to you for this review, eager to get your company is further inquiries.

  Yours sincerely


应届毕业生英文求职信 篇3

  Now and then corporations send out feelers for just the right type of creative person. This person must fit any criteria. Usually, after all is said and done, the corporation wants a person who can manage, create and communicate. An active youth is just around.On my graduation from college recently, I am eager to gain a

  position that will offer me opportunities and also changes. I thought perhaps you would keep me in mind for a possible opening.

  I am strong, optimistic ,dynamic and honest.During my education, I have grasped the principals of my major and

  skills of practice. Not only have I passed CET, but more important I can communicate with others freely in English. My ability to write and speak English is out of question.Moreover, I have had benefited much from my part-time jobs. A copy of my antecedents is enclosed for your reference.Iwould appreciate your time in reviewing my enclosed resume and if there is any additional information you require, please contact me.I would welcome an opportunity to meet with you for an interview.Very truly yours,Fu Zuying

应届毕业生英文求职信 篇4


  Personal Data:



  Data of Birth:


  Graduate school:

  Degree: Bachelor Degree


  Phone: (010) xxxx-xxxx

  Address: No.29 Beisanhuan Road, Xicheng District, Beijing


  To obtain a challenging position as a managerial assistant, especially in Human Resource Management


  xx.9 - 20xx.9 Dept of Business Administration, Undergraduate School of Beijing University bachelor degree

  20xx.9 -now, Dept of Law, Graduate School of South China Normal University

  Academic Main Courses:

  Management of Human Resources

  Production and Operation Management

  Strategic Management

  Quality Management

  Marketing / International Trade

  Principles of Management

  Groundwork of Accounting

  Economic Law

  Language Abilities:

  Have a good command of both spoken and written English. Past CET-6, TOEFL: 623, GRE: 2213

  Computer Abilities:

  Skilled in use of . i feel that i am competent to meet the requirements which you have specified.

  i am twenty-seven years of age. after graduating from school i took a two year's business course in city commercial college. since graduating i have worked for three years in a lawyer's office, where i am at present employed. i now wish to enter an office where the work requires greater individual responsibility and judgement than here, and where there is more opportunity for advancement.

  i have permission to refer you to mr. james white, principal of the city college, for statements as to my character and ability. if your wish further references, please communicate with mr. horace greene, president of the taipan wood company.

  very truly yours


Dear sir\/madam:hello!I am the shenyang ligong university vehicle engineering, a fresh graduates join your careful consideration to the unit. I hope that your company is the starting point of my success, I can with your company to create a brilliant tomorrow together.After four years...

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的书信。 它分自荐信和应聘信两种。 它分自荐信和应聘信两种。 特点: 特点: 针对性(单位、职位) 针对性(单位、职位) 自荐性(展示个人成绩、魅力) 自荐性(展示个人成绩、魅力) 独特性求职信尊敬的公司总经理先生: 尊敬的公司总经理先生: 我是××大学中文系的应届毕业生, ××大学中文...

Distinguished leadership of your company:Hello! Thank you very much for sparing the time to review my cover letter, I wish to give me the opportunity. As a professional graduates of Law, Law, and I love their invested great enthusiasm and energy. Learning to live in a few years...

尊敬的领导同志:Dear Sirs\/Madams,您好!Hello!首先真诚地感谢您在百忙之中审阅我的求职材料。Firstly I'd like to thank you for making time to read my application material.我是日语专业2008年应届毕业生张---。I am Zhang---, a graduating student in 2008, majoring in Japanese.在新的人...

The distinguished leadership of the unit:Hello! First of all sincerely appreciate your taking the time to read my taking the job materials. Welcomed the occasion of your organization when employing people, special to you my sincere recommended himself, I fervently hope that your ...

确保简历要点明确,注意事项牢记在心。接下来是简历模板和范例:3.1 Graduate Resume: 适用于应届毕业生的格式 3.2 Experienced Job-seeker Resume: 为资深求职者设计的模板 然后是求职信部分:Chapter 2 Application Letter - 求职信 Unit 1: 书写一封有说服力的求职信Unit 2: 求职信撰写原则与注意...

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很荣幸您能在百忙之中浏览我的求职信。 I feel honored that you can review my self remendation in your busy business. 我叫xx,来自xx,是一名即将毕业的材料科学与工程专业本科生,专业方向为模具设计与制造。大学四年,奠定了我扎实的专业基础,如:熟悉塑料模具和冷冲压模具的整体结构、设计流程、制造工艺及常用...

有些孩子正文简单一句话“您好,本人是**大学硕士研究生,附件是我的简历,请查阅,谢谢。期待您的答复。”这样的cover letter没什么特色,...>> 问题二:求职信的正文怎么写? 尊敬的人事部领导: 您好!首先感谢您在百忙之中抽出时间给我一个展示自我的机会。 我是河南工业职业技术学院的一名应届毕业生。在建筑工...