哪位英语高手大侠能帮忙翻译一下吗?小弟感激不尽。(不要用英语软件) 1.今天的交谈我很不满意,你

1 I am sorry to say that I am not satisfied with today's negotiation.Your friend is rude and unprofessional.
2 I signed the contract with you.As the two parties,only we can solve the problem.
3 Today's meeting is to promote completion of the work sooner.But you are too unreasonable.
4 Since you have come to China,I hope you understand the way of doing things in China.
5 The current condition of the project is caused by your side,since you fail to finish the subsequent work ahead of time for lack of an overall plan.
6 Before the project is finished,most of the expenses probably fall on your side.
7 I am just a honest migrant worker.I only know the simple truth instead of word games.

哪位英语高手大侠能帮忙翻译一下吗,小弟我感激不尽啊~(不要用英语软件) 1.昨天的交谈我很不满

1.I am really dissatisfied with the conversation yesterday,because your friend was rude and unprofessional.
2.We two signed the contract and we are the parters ,so only you and me can solve the problem.
3.This meeting aims to finish the work sooner and better,but you are a little unrealistic.
4.Now that you are in China, I hope you can realize some truth in China.
5.The current situation of the project is entirely caused by your side,as you have no complete plan and cannot make the work finished advanced.
6.All cost will almost be transferred to your side before the project finished.
7.I am a common workman from the country without much more knowledge , and I donnot know the words game ,but what I know is some thing true in life . 手写的 希望采纳

our construction team has not finished our job and the payday has not arrived, so if your team take over now, i'm afraid that some conflicts are inevitable. well, take them into consideration, can you enter this project just slightly later?

Department: Engineering IGS using three-dimensional mapping, CAD graphics editor for the collection and editing of the terrain. Intention of neork management job Contact Tel: XXXXXXXX 哪位大侠能帮我翻译一下英文简历? amanda339@yeah. 已赞过 已踩过< 你对这个回答的评价是? 评论 收起 推荐...

哪位英语高手帮忙翻译下The rocky road to dublin
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急: 哪位英语高手给翻译一下啊
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提问者对于答案的评价:谢谢你的翻译,以及后来对我另一个问题的解答!送上我答应的50分!您觉得最佳答案好不好? 目前有 2 个人评价 100% (2)0% (0)相关问题 • 我,大一学生学习计算机科学与技术,朋友都说女孩再这...• 英语在国贸中的应用 • 咨询一下~德国留学相关...

英语 高手 进来下! 帮忙翻译 一段 话 !谢谢拉
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