
Breaking News
"Town disappeared"
Washington Sunday, panic-stricken survivors in their communities in a messy wandered in search of the hurricane blew Qilingbala property, mourning the death of six neighbors.
Saturday was a cruel market turmoil, the whole community devastated.
"It's like a bomb hit us," Tom • Simmons said, "It's like a bomb flying over."
Most of the houses have turned into a pile of rubble.
"This town disappears." Governor Bill • Young, coro said.

WASHINGTON, November 28 electricity from the aircraft carrier and the United States and Britain launched cruise missiles with the departure airport, long-range bombers attacked Afghanistan in the evening. Their goal is to destroy bin Laden • The • Osama bin Laden's terrorist training camps and the protection of its Taliban government.
President ordered the launching of this military strike. "They are well-chosen course of action designed to prevent the use of Afghanistan as a base for terrorist activities, but also against the Taliban regime's military capabilities." President Bush's White House at 1 pm in a televised speech that the attack had begun a half-time hours.

When the first plane hitting the World Trade Center, one of the Twin Towers, the residents living in the vicinity • Mike Hewitt is at home for breakfast. He saw a huge smoke surrounded by floor, he witnessed among the people crazy in order to escape from that hell on earth jumped from the windows down.
At this point precisely, ABC journalist Don • Dale is also at home, he saw through the window all this. Dale grabbed the phone calls to ABC. "The whole building had collapsed." He reported. Then he went downstairs and washed now known as the "zero zone" areas, on-site full of twisted steel beams, and thick smoke filled the air, flaming, and the relief efforts in vain. He remained in the front of the camera to be a full 18 hours.
3 weeks later, Dale was sent to Pakistan to report the ongoing war against the Taliban.
In Washington, when the third plane hit the Pentagon, the "USA Today" and several journalists are driving through the Pentagon to work. • Mike Waller said: "When I saw the plane landed, and then head crashed into the building, the time stagnated. A huge fireball into the sky, and then is a very horrible scene."
"I do not know, how I will sleep after this." He thought. However, he came to office, to help publish a newspaper.
Terrorist attacks on the occasion of the World Trade Center, "Daily News" photographer David • Han Shu nearby. Gas explosion waves his Xiandao 100 feet away. He lost his glasses, cell phones and notebooks, but his digital camera in good condition. Endure the pain of fractures and loss of glasses, he left to record the horrors of the next scene. He struggled through the ruins, once again fell to the ground, disoriented.
The same day, rescue workers three times that he will be rescued from the rubble. "They saved my life," he said.


Breaking News
"Ciudad del desaparecido"
Washington, el domingo, el pánico sobrevivientes en sus comunidades en un desordenado vagaban en busca de que el huracán sopló propiedad Qilingbala, de luto por la muerte de seis vecinos.
El sábado fue un turbulencias de los mercados crueles, toda la comunidad devastada.
"Es como una bomba nos golpeó", Tom • Simmons dijo, "Es como volar sobre una bomba".
La mayoría de las casas se han convertido en un montón de escombros.
"Este pueblo desaparece". • El Gobernador Bill Young, Coro, dijo.

WASHINGTON, 28 de noviembre de electricidad a partir del portaaviones y los Estados Unidos y Gran Bretaña lanzaron misiles de crucero con el aeropuerto de salida, a largo bombarderos gama atacó Afganistán en la noche. Su objetivo es destruir a bin Laden • Los campos de entrenamiento terrorista de Osama bin Laden, y • la protección de su gobierno de los talibanes.
Presidente ordenó la puesta en marcha de este ataque militar. "Ellos están bien elegidos curso de acción destinado a prevenir el uso de Afganistán como base para actividades terroristas, pero también en contra de las capacidades militares del régimen talibán." Blanca del presidente Bush en la Casa a la 1 pm en un discurso televisado que el ataque había comenzado una media jornada horas.

Cuando el primer avión chocando con el Centro Mundial del Comercio, una de las Torres Gemelas, los residentes que viven en las cercanías • Mike Hewitt está en casa para el desayuno. Vio un enorme rodeado de humo por piso, fue testigo de uno de los locos, a fin de escapar de ese infierno en la tierra pasó de las ventanas abajo.
En este punto, precisamente, el periodista de ABC • Don Dale es también en casa, vio a través de la ventana de todo esto. Dale tomó las llamadas de teléfono a ABC. "Todo el edificio se había derrumbado.", Informó. Luego se bajó y se lavó ahora se conoce como la zona de "cero" en las zonas, en el lugar lleno de vigas de acero retorcido, y denso humo llenaba el aire, de fuego, y los esfuerzos de socorro en vano. Permaneció en la parte frontal de la cámara a un total de 18 horas.
3 semanas más tarde, Dale fue enviado a Pakistán el informe de la actual guerra contra los talibanes.
En Washington, cuando el tercer avión impactó en el Pentágono, el "EE.UU. Hoy" y varios periodistas que están conduciendo a través del Pentágono para el trabajo. • Mike Waller dijo: "Cuando vi el avión aterrizó, y luego la cabeza se estrelló en el edificio, el tiempo estancado. Una enorme bola de fuego en el cielo, y es una escena muy horrible".
"No sé, ¿cómo voy a dormir después de esto.", Pensó. Sin embargo, llegó a la oficina, para ayudar a publicar un periódico.
Los ataques terroristas con motivo del World Trade Center, "Daily News" fotógrafo David • Han Shu cerca. Ondas de explosión de gas de su Xiandao 100 pies de distancia. Él perdió sus gafas, teléfonos celulares y computadoras portátiles, pero su cámara digital en buen estado. Soportar el dolor de las fracturas y la pérdida de las gafas, salió al registro de los horrores de la siguiente escena. Luchó por las ruinas, una vez más, cayó al suelo, desorientado.
El mismo día, tres veces los trabajadores de rescate que va a ser rescatados de los escombros. "Me salvaron la vida", dijo
(楼上的都一样的 还说什么《不是翻译器所翻。人工 》懂英语么???、

Breaking News
"Town disappeared"
Washington Sunday, panic-stricken survivors in their communities in a messy wandered in search of the hurricane blew Qilingbala property, mourning the death of six neighbors.
Saturday was a cruel market turmoil, the whole community devastated.
"It's like a bomb hit us," Tom • Simmons said, "It's like a bomb flying over."
Most of the houses have turned into a pile of rubble.
"This town disappears." Governor Bill • Young, coro said.

WASHINGTON, November 28 electricity from the aircraft carrier and the United States and Britain launched cruise missiles with the departure airport, long-range bombers attacked Afghanistan in the evening. Their goal is to destroy bin Laden • The • Osama bin Laden's terrorist training camps and the protection of its Taliban government.
President ordered the launching of this military strike. "They are well-chosen course of action designed to prevent the use of Afghanistan as a base for terrorist activities, but also against the Taliban regime's military capabilities." President Bush's White House at 1 pm in a televised speech that the attack had begun a half-time hours.

When the first plane hitting the World Trade Center, one of the Twin Towers, the residents living in the vicinity • Mike Hewitt is at home for breakfast. He saw a huge smoke surrounded by floor, he witnessed among the people crazy in order to escape from that hell on earth jumped from the windows down.
At this point precisely, ABC journalist Don • Dale is also at home, he saw through the window all this. Dale grabbed the phone calls to ABC. "The whole building had collapsed." He reported. Then he went downstairs and washed now known as the "zero zone" areas, on-site full of twisted steel beams, and thick smoke filled the air, flaming, and the relief efforts in vain. He remained in the front of the camera to be a full 18 hours.
3 weeks later, Dale was sent to Pakistan to report the ongoing war against the Taliban.
In Washington, when the third plane hit the Pentagon, the "USA Today" and several journalists are driving through the Pentagon to work. • Mike Waller said: "When I saw the plane landed, and then head crashed into the building, the time stagnated. A huge fireball into the sky, and then is a very horrible scene."
"I do not know, how I will sleep after this." He thought. However, he came to office, to help publish a newspaper.
Terrorist attacks on the occasion of the World Trade Center, "Daily News" photographer David • Han Shu nearby. Gas explosion waves his Xiandao 100 feet away. He lost his glasses, cell phones and notebooks, but his digital camera in good condition. Endure the pain of fractures and loss of glasses, he left to record the horrors of the next scene. He struggled through the ruins, once again fell to the ground, disoriented.
The same day, rescue workers three times that he will be rescued from the rubble. "They saved my life," he said.


U.S. computer to the computer classification of materials in general using two classification criteria: According to the main circuit to points, the computer is divided into the first generation of vacuum tube computers, computers and other second-generation transistors ... ... this is actually the history of development of mainframe; by hardware sub-divided into supercomputer, mainframe, mid-sized machine, minicomputer, microcomputer, etc., this classification method is also old too old, because some of the performance of the server than in the past but also strong mainframe. In view of this, the above classifications and unreasonable, in the network is becoming increasingly popular today. We should re-examine the computer's classification criteria.

Reclassified according to age

1. Reclassified according to age

Reclassified according to age, you can put the computer is divided into:

(1) mainframe stage, the 20th century, 40-50 years, are the first generation of vacuum tube computers. Experienced a tube digital computer, transistor digital computers, integrated circuits, digital computers and large-scale integrated circuits the development process of digital computers, computer technology has gradually matured. ;

(2) Small Computer stages 60-70 during the 20th century, are of large host the first "narrow" and to meet the small and medium-sized units of information processing requirements, lower cost, the price may be accepted;

(3) micro-computer stage, the 20th century, 70-80 years, are of large mainframe second "narrow" and the United States in 1976 Apple was established in 1977 launched a AppleII on computer, great success. 1981 IBM launched IBM-PC, since then it has undergone a number of generations of evolution, the occupation of the personal computer market, making personal computers has been a great deal of popularity;

(4) client / server phase, the C / S stage. With the 1964 IBM and American Airlines established the first global on-line booking system, put the United States at the time of booking more than 2000 terminals using telephone lines to connect together, marking the computer into the client / server stage model is still widely used. In client / server network, servers are the core of the network, and client networks are the basis for the client to rely on the server to obtain the required network resources, while the server for the client must provide network resources. C / S structure are able to give full play to the advantages of client PC's processing capability, a lot of work on the client and then submitted to deal with servers, greatly reduces the pressure on server;

(5) Internet stage, also known as the Internet, Internet, Internet stage. That is, the Internet WAN, LAN and stand-alone communication protocol in accordance with certain of the international computer network. Internet began in 1969, are in the ARPA (the U.S. Department of Defense Research Projects Agency) under an agreement to develop the southwestern United States universities (UCLA (University of California, Los Angeles Campus), StanfordResearchInstitute (Stanford University Research Institute), UCSB ( University of California) and UniversityofUtah (University of Utah)) of the four major computer linking. Since then experienced a text to picture, and now voice, video and other stage, the bandwidth getting faster and faster growing function. The characteristics of the Internet are: global, mass sex, anonymous sex, interactive sex, growth, and flat, and real-time, multimedia, and addiction, sexual hubbub. The significance of the Internet should not be underestimated. It is a human into a solid step in the global village;

(6) Cloud Computing era, from 2008, Cloud Computing (Cloud Computing) concept of progressive pop up, it is becoming a popular and mass (Popular) terms. Cloud computing as "a revolutionary computing model", as it allows super-computing power via the Internet free flow became possible. Enterprises and individual users no longer need to purchase expensive hardware investment costs, is only required to purchase the lease through the Internet computing power, users only the functionality necessary for themselves to pay, while the elimination of traditional software in the hardware, software, the cost of professional skills. Cloud computing allows users from the technical and deployment on the complexity of the applications received. Cloud computing encompasses the development, architecture, load balancing and business models and so on, are the software industry in the future model. It is based on Web services to Internet-centric.

2. Why must it be so classified

According to this classification, you can more fully reflect the rapid development of information technology, not just the first generation of mainframe development stage. In fact, from the first generation of mainframe use of ultra-large-scale integrated circuits to the present, all the computers are used in almost all the ultra-large-scale integrated circuits. This classification, there was no requirement at all stages of the specific start time, because their development is not simply Tandem relationship, but parallel development. That is to say, which is not in the specific point in time, all the mainframe into a minicomputer, and Minicomputer also did not completely replace the mainframe, they are co-exist. But one thing must be noted, mainframe, mini-computers and high-grade micro-computer in the server field of the main job (the following should be mentioned).

Reclassified according to the hardware

In addition, there are the people classified by the size of the hardware, put the computer into a giant computer, large computers, medium-sized computers, mini computers, micro-computers. Some sounds reasonable, but this classification is defined in 1989, after 20 years of development, this classification clearly has become obsolete, because the majority of the 80's server has been eliminated, and now some of the server than then the function of large-scale computer still strong, but much smaller. Therefore, it is by someone the computer hardware to re-classification, divided into: servers, workstations, desktops, notebook computers, handheld devices five categories.

(1) server: server, called the English Server, refers specifically to certain high-performance computers, through the network, external provision of services. Compared to ordinary computer, the stability, security, performance, etc. are more demanding, so in the CPU, chipset, memory, disk systems, networks and general computer hardware is different. Servers are network nodes, storage, 80 percent deal with network data,Information, in the network play a decisive role. They are for the client computer provides a variety of services, high-performance computers, mainly reflected in its high-performance high-speed computing power, a long period of reliable operation, a strong external data handling capacity and so on. Server components and general computer similar, but also have the processor, hard disk, memory, system bus, but because it is a specific web application specifically designed, so server and PC in the treatment capacity, stability, reliability, security , scalability, manageability and so very different;

(2) workstations: workstations English called Workstation, is a personal computer and distributed network computing as the foundation, mainly for professional applications, with powerful data computing and graphics, image processing capabilities, to meet the engineering design, animation production, scientific research, software development, financial management, information services, simulation and other specialized areas of design and development of high-performance computers. It belongs to a high-end computer, the general has a larger screen display and large-capacity memory and hard drive, also has a strong information processing capabilities and high-performance graphics, image processing functions and networking functions;

(3) desktop: desktop, called the English Desktop, also known as desktop machines, for the now very popular micro-computer, the majority of people at home and companies are used in desktop machines. The performance desktop laptop relatively strong;

(4) Laptop: Laptop English called Notebook Computer (referred to as NB) or Laptop, also known as hand-held computer or laptop (Hong Kong and Taiwan are known as notebook computer), is a small, portable personal computers, typically 1-3 kilograms of weight. It is similar to desktop architecture, but with better portability: including liquid crystal displays, which the smaller, lighter weight. Laptop except the keyboard, it also provided touchpad (TouchPad), or touch points (Pointing Stick), to provide a better positioning and input capabilities. Laptop can be broadly divided into 4 categories: business type, fashion-based, multimedia applications, special purpose. Business-based laptop in general can be summed up as mobile and strong, long battery life, many commercial software; fashion-type appearance of the main fashion for women; multimedia application-oriented laptop has a stronger graphics, image processing and multimedia capabilities, in particular are playing capability, for the enjoyment of products. Moreover, many multimedia laptop has a relatively strong independent graphics and sound card (both support high-definition), and has a larger screen; special purpose laptop are serving professionals in the heat, cold, low pressure, war harsh environment such as the use of models, some of the more bulky, such as pre-Olympic Games in the "base camp of Mount Qomolangma ASUS IT Service Area" Asus laptop used;

(5) handheld devices: handheld device, called the English Handheld, type more, such as PDA, SmartPhone, Smart mobile phone, 3G mobile phone, Netbook, EeePC, etc., which is characterized by small size. As the 3G era, handheld devices will be given a greater development, and its function will become increasingly strong.

Change the truth are the same, with the changing times, some really need to abandon the concept, and some re-definition of the standard required. Today, we come to re-examine the classification of computer standards, will help us better understand the computer and the use of computers.

Property is a modern civil law system, a basic concept, but refers to the effect of property changes the legal relationship between the occurrence of property, change and destroy. Since the absolute and exclusive property and other basic characteristics of the transactions in the real world often occur during the actual status and the rights of the rights of publicity out of status inconsistency, so the effect of changes in property may often have a third party a certain extent. At this point the third man, if I do not know the real rights in the state of reasonable reliance on the appearance of power, then the third is known as bona fide third person, he has made legal terms of the objectives for transaction security laws should be protected, this point is reached by the modern civil community consensus. Real change is therefore the core issue of property rights legislation is one of the interests of bona fide third party protection is an important part of changing property.
This universal common in modern civil law protection of bona fide third types of theories and systems for the study, combined with the principle of civil law and property law knowledge, comprehensive use of literature, qualitative analysis and comparison of other methods, according to property changes The basic theory and civil law definition of bona fide third party based on changes in property rights protection from the bona fide third of the three basic system and theory, the collection of domestic related literature and the data were Systematic Analysis summary from the three basic system and theory and their connection to start, how to be more comprehensive and effective, objective and impartial third party in good faith to protect the interests of research, interpretation, and finally put forward their views on this issue. This paper discusses the following three parts:
The first section outlines the basic concepts of property changes and the definition of bona fide third person. This section is intended to provide a conceptual background for this article, through the property changes and related concepts such bona fide third presentation, and then changes in property rights in the protection of bona fide third party to analyze the importance and necessity for This article discusses the basis for future expansion.
The second part of the detailed changes in the modern civil law protection of property interests of bona fide third of the three existing theories and systems. This section will not because the theory of property rights, the principles of Public Credit and the Innocent described separately, to study these theories and systems as well as their definition and connotation of the third person in good faith on the protection of their reality effect.
According to the second part of the third part of the research results, theories and systems of the three comparative study, from the Innocent and the relationship between the principles of Public Credit and the Theory of Real Rights and controversial aspects of the reality of existence of their respective pros and cons of further proposed changes for the protection of property rights system of bona fide third choice of individual proposals.

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