题目为an exciited moment的英语作文

也许是对工作负责任吧。我迅速跑了过去以前,我又见到活了七十多个春秋扫马路的老爷爷,每当我见到路旁捡垃圾的清洁工,顷刻间,我却对他刮目相看,我总会捏着鼻子绕过他!他没有拿上雨具,它停了下来,我仿佛总能见到老爷爷的身影,又把那袋子刮起来,老爷爷走了。雨下得更大了。风停了。老爷爷又用手敲了敲后背,又向那刮起的袋子抓去。但,就冒着雨去追那个被风刮跑的塑料袋。但。由于我没带雨具,我不知道自己流的是眼泪还是雨水。他那古铜色的脸上从不会露出笑容,扶起老爷爷。 每当我走到那段路上,豆大粒的雨似断了线的珍珠从天而降。好几次他险些摔到,更多的是汗水,老爷爷伸出手弯下腰抓到那塑料袋。疲惫的他最终昏到在地上。雨下得更大了,我理解了他,他显得更加苍老了。袋子落在了地上,还是雨水。老爷爷还是拼命的抓那个调皮的塑料袋。

An Exciting Moment

Unexpectedly, I watched Titanic today. I was very excited because I have been looking forward to watching it for several years, but I have no chance. Many of my classmates watched it more than one time. Today during the comprehensive class, we were given one period’s time to watch Titanic.

Since time is limited, w only watched some important and interesting part. I want to talk about Rose. Though she lived in noble family and belongs to upper class, she didn’t feel happy. When she was about to land on the luxurious ship. She said she felt like landing on a slavery ship. She had engaged with another man, but she was so depressed that she was even determined to committed suicide; it was Jack who saved her. When Jack invited her t take part in another party belongs to his own colony. She danced to the rock music excitedly and happily, that showed her some other characters. Rose even learned from Jack some habits that are not suitable for her. Jack and Rose fell in love with each other as we expected.

Happy time didn’t last long, the large ship crashed an iceberg, and as a result, Jack died. This is a tragedy and a disaster. Maybe the love story would not have been so memorable without the ship wreck.

帮我写一篇7—8句左右的英语作文,题目An Unforgettable Moment.

I went to the Great Wall with my friends last summer. It was a beautiful day. The sun was shining, the birds were singing. We walked on the wall for about two hours. We took lots of photos. Then we met a group of foreigners. They let us to help them take photos. We were really glad to help them. We also took photos with them and talked with them in English. We told them the history of the Great Wall. They were very surprised because we could speak English so well. We felt very happy that day. What an unforgetble exerience!


a happy moment
At noon today,Chai teacher took us to the playground to play basketball.Wood is the teacher let four children each with a basketball in the playground.Then,we begin to battle.First is the place to hold the ball ran up to the teacher to appoint,after intense competition,our team won.Then we go running,or the results of our team wins,we this group of students are all very happy!At last we competition project is coordinated operations,the result is still our team wins.
At noon today,really happy ah!