
lemon AHD:[l祄搮n] D.J.:[6lem*n] K.K.:[6lWm*n] n. A spiny, Asian evergreen tree (Citrus limon) widely cultivated for its yellow, egg-shaped fruit. The fruit of this tree, having a yellow aromatic rind and juicy, acid pulp. Color Lemon yellow. Informal One that is unsatisfactory or defective: Their new car turned out to be a lemon. lemon adj. Color Lemon-yellow. Made from lemons. Tasting or smelling like lemons. Middle English limon fromOld French fromOld Italian limone fromArabic laym縩, l簃縩 fromPersian l簃縩 Although we know neither where the lemon was first grown nor when it first came to Europe, we do know from its name alone that it came to us from the Middle East, because we can trace its etymological path. One of the earliest if not the earliest occurrences of our word is found in a Middle English customs document of 1420-1421. The Middle English word, which was of the form limon, goes back to Old French limon, showing that yet another delicacy passed into England through France. The Old French word probably came from Italian limone, another step on the route that leads back to the Arabic word laym縩 or l簃縩, which comes from the Persian word l簃縩. lemon AHD:[l祄搮n] D.J.:[6lem*n] K.K.:[6lWm*n] n. A spiny, Asian evergreen tree (Citrus limon) widely cultivated for its yellow, egg-shaped fruit. 柠檬(树)亚洲一种多刺的四季常青树 (柠檬 柑桔属),因其黄色蛋状的果实而广泛栽培 The fruit of this tree, having a yellow aromatic rind and juicy, acid pulp. 柠檬(果)这种树的果实,有黄色芳香的外皮和多汁的酸果肉 Color 【色彩】 Lemon yellow. 柠蒙黄 Informal 【非正式用语】 One that is unsatisfactory or defective: 有缺点之物令人不满意或者是有瑕疵的人或物: Their new car turned out to be a lemon. 他们的新车竟是次品 lemon adj. Color 【色彩】 Lemon-yellow. 柠蒙黄的 Made from lemons. 柠檬制的 Tasting or smelling like lemons. 柠檬味的品尝起来或闻起来有柠檬味的 Middle English limon 中古英语 limon fromOld French 源自古法语 fromOld Italian limone 源自古意大利语 limone fromArabic laym縩, l簃縩 源自阿拉伯语 laym縩, l簃縩 fromPersian l簃縩 源自波斯语 l簃縩 Although we know neither where the lemon was first grown nor when it first came to Europe, we do know from its name alone that it came to us from the Middle East, because we can trace its etymological path. One of the earliest if not the earliest occurrences of our word is found in a Middle English customs document of 1420-1421. The Middle English word, which was of the form limon, goes back to Old French limon, showing that yet another delicacy passed into England through France. The Old French word probably came from Italian limone, another step on the route that leads back to the Arabic word laym縩 or l簃縩, which comes from the Persian word l簃縩. 虽然我们既不知道柠檬是在哪儿被最早种植的,也不知道它是什么时候传到欧洲的,但是我们却能单从它的名字确切地判断出它是从中东地区传到我们的,因为我们可以追溯出它的语源的发展道路。如果不是最早出现的话,最早的发现记录于1420年至1421年之间的一份中古英语海关文件中。这个中古英语单词的形式是 limon,可以追溯到古代法语中的 limon一词,它表明又一种美味佳肴由法国传入了英国。这个古代法语单词很可能来源于意大利单词 limone,这就更朝前一步地回到了阿拉伯语中的 laymun或 limun,这一单词来源于波斯语 limun lemon 来自法语limon<阿拉伯语lainun<波斯语limun [5lemEn] n 柠檬 柠檬黄 lemon [5lemEn] n. 柠檬; 柠檬树 柠檬色[黄] [美俚]令人讨厌的东西, 无聊的人, 没有价值的东西, 次品; 叫人失望的人[物] lemon [5lemEn] adj. 柠檬色的; 柠檬味的, 柠檬制的 lemon yellow 柠檬黄[色] lemon-drop n. 柠檬糖 lemongrass [`lemEn^rB:s;-^rAs] n. 香茅草, 柠檬草 lemon-lime n. 加少量莱姆酸橙的柠檬汽水 lemonsqueezer n. 榨柠檬器 lemonweed n. 柠檬香草 lemonish,lemonlike adj. hand sb. a lemon [俚]叫某人上当; 使某人不快 chrome lemon 铬柠檬 Ichang lemon 宜昌橙 Meyer lemon 野柠檬, 番柠檬, 北京柠檬, 中国柠檬(柑桔品种名) rough lemon 粗皮柠檬 sweet lemon [citron] 甜柠檬 wild lemon 野柠檬 lemon [ 5lemEn ] n.柠檬 adj.柠檬色的

lemon n. 柠檬 adj. 柠檬色的 lemon KK: [] DJ: [] n. 1. 柠檬[C][U] 2. 柠檬树[C] 3. 柠檬汁[U] She drank a glass of lemon. 她喝了一杯柠檬汁。 4. 柠檬色,淡黄色[U] 5. 【俚】令人讨厌的人(或物);瑕疵品;无价值的东西[C] That Chevy was a real lemon; it was fixed more often than it was driven. 那辆雪佛莱车真是部破车,进厂修理的时间比开车的时间还长。 Their new car turned out to be a lemon. 他们的新车根本就是劣货。 a. 1. 含柠檬的;柠檬味的;柠檬色的


音标为:英 ['lemən] ;美 ['lɛmən]
1、lemon juice :柠檬原汁 ; 柠檬汁 ; 青柠汁 ; 酸柑水
2、lemon grass :柠檬草
1、Add in the lemon after mixing the flour and sugar.
2、oranges, lemons and other citrus fruits.

其近义词为“citreous”,音标为: ['sɪtrɪəs]。 意思指:柠檬的;柠檬色的。
There was citreous shine all around the altiplano.

读音:英 ['lemən] 美 ['lɛmən]

adj. 柠檬色的
n. 柠檬
1、So when fate to us a lemon, let us try to do a glass of lemonade.
2、Do you want some lemon juice or some bread?


n. 柠檬苦素
例句:Bitterness in citrus juice is primarily due to the presence of both limonin and naringin, and determination of them is a standard in controlling the quality of juice.
读音:英 ['sɪtrən] 美 ['sɪtrən]    
n. 香橼;圆佛手柑;柠檬
例句:Their Christmas dinner often features roast goose and bread loaves stuffed with raisins, citron, and nuts.

柠檬用英语怎么说 柠檬英文是什么
1、“柠檬”用英语是:lemon。2、读音:英 [lem ] 美 [lem ]。3、n. 柠檬;柠檬色;次品;令人讨厌的人。4、例句:Which do you like better, orange or lemon 桔子和柠檬你更喜欢哪个 \/p>

lemon是英文单词柠檬的意思。以下是详细的解释:一、基本含义 lemon是一个英文单词,它的基本含义是柠檬。作为一种常见的水果,柠檬在许多料理和饮品中都有广泛的应用。它酸甜可口的口感和独特的香气为各种食品增添了独特的风味。二、单词发音 柠檬的英文单词lemon的发音相对简单。字母l的发音为\/l\/,字母e...


柠檬的英文是:lemon lemon 读法 英 [ˈlemən] 美 [ˈlɛmən]作名词的意思是:柠檬;柠檬黄;柠檬树 作形容词的意思是:柠檬色的 短语:lemon juice 柠檬汁 lemon tree 柠檬树 lemon tea 柠檬茶,柠檬果茶 lemon grass (柠檬)香茅 lemon peel 柠檬皮 例句:I ...

lemon n.柠檬 adj.柠檬色的 lemon KK: []DJ: []n.1. 柠檬[C][U]2. 柠檬树[C]3. 柠檬汁[U]She drank a glass of lemon.她喝了一杯柠檬汁。4. 柠檬色,淡黄色[U]5. 【俚】令人讨厌的人(或物);瑕疵品;无价值的东西[C]That Chevy was a real lemon; it was fixed more often ...

Lemon squash

柠檬是由英文名 音译过来的。英文名字是,LemonGrass 翻译过来就是柠檬,所以人们就叫它 柠檬。lemon 柠檬 别名 柠果 柠檬(Citrus limon)是芸香科柑桔属的常绿小乔木,原产东南亚,现主要产地为美国、意大利、西班牙和希腊。主要为榨汁用,有时也用做烹饪调料,但基本不用作鲜食。柠檬由阿拉伯人带往欧洲...

柠檬的英文是:lemon。音标为:英 ['lemən] ;美 ['lɛmən]用法:1、lemon juice :柠檬原汁 ; 柠檬汁 ; 青柠汁 ; 酸柑水 2、lemon grass :柠檬草 例句:1、Add in the lemon after mixing the flour and sugar.在面粉和糖混合之后倒入柠檬汁。2、oranges, lemons ...

lemon(小写)在句子开头要用:Lemon LEMON(全部大写)
