请帮我把下面的文章翻成中文 因为我要把它翻成法语 自己英语又不太好 谢谢

由来自匹兹堡大学的Eleanor Bimla Schwar博士所领导的研究小组发现用母乳哺育的妈妈相比于那些不用母乳哺育的妈妈,患2型糖尿病的几率要减少一半。这是一个重大的数据上的差异,虽然对于这个差异的原因还是不清楚,但是科学家们预测这与即将生育的妈妈增加的体重有关。



由匹兹保大学Elearnor Bimla Schwarz博士领导的研究人员发现,较之不给孩子喂奶的母亲相比,以母乳哺乳的母亲得二型糖尿病的机率下降一半儿。这在统计学上是一个有重大意义的数据,虽然目前尚不清楚形成这一差别的原因,科学家们猜测,可能与女人在生第一个孩子时体重的增加有关。


Les nouvelles mamans savent que l'allaitement peut être bon pour les bébés, leur donnant beaucoup de nutrition-nécessaires, ainsi que un coup d'anticorps et d'autres cellules qui contribuent à édifier le système immunitaire. Maintenant, il semble que la pratique peut garder les mères elles-mêmes plus saine.

Les chercheurs dirigée par le Dr Eleanor Bimla Schwarz à l'Université de Pittsburgh a révélé que les femmes qui allaitent sont deux fois moins susceptibles de développer diabète de type 2 que les femmes qui n'en ont pas. C'est une grande différence statistique, et bien que ce n'est pas clair ce qui est derrière l'écart, les scientifiques pensent que cela a quelque chose à voir avec la grossesse que le gain de livres enceintes mamans. 直接帮你翻译成法语了。

会法语的或是高手 请帮我翻这个很重要的文章!! 中文翻英文

First of all thank you for your hard work, review the documents I, I received one point, and did not reach the standard file, I am very sad, has couldn't sleep, very painful.
Have what time I want to claim the following:

1. A. you in August, I write attached letter work explained that my work, I believe the work of all the answers, and I still have the salary and check, prove I have the ability to work.

B. my application experience of the work in the instructions are in Canada practice of working time and before that in Taiwan 28 months in the restaurant's work experience, plus I now of the restaurant, the comprehensive these, whether can again improve my work experience scores?

2. My application form, the English language, I only checked ' 'intermediate' 'one of the eight projects, and I am very modest and conservative. You know that I am the specialized subject graduates. Take diploma is not easy. Be very hard through the many English written and oral examination, skills... And so on so my English level should be checked in ' 'advanced' 'project of ten or eleven projects. But I was kind of good man, and I'm only checked medium, can again from the English language, and then improve my score?

3. Before, I began to learn French, and now I've wanted to further study the good French, so I into...
All day from Monday to Friday, eight o 'clock in the morning at 2 o 'clock this afternoon 30 to 45, and there are finished three hundred hours, and continue to study more layer of the French, I already registered good class to June 2012 on

4. I had the ability to full-time work, but because I think the more important to learn French, so I choose to French class all day, don't know can the French language from the project, to improve my score?

5. My husband an affair, I'm a single mother, with my two children aged 18 to Montreal, have lived four years with, and we put Canada as our country and second home. In the future, we will live for a long time in the job and life. We like education environment, the culture, all kinds of things



The overall intent of this policy is to ensure that no employee benefits personally from his or her relationship with our customers, suppliers, vendors, or other business partners. As employees, we are committing our business loyalty to Company. This commitment is breached when someone engages in activities that cause a conflict of interest.

Conflicts of interest may arise when employees are influenced by considerations of gain or benefit for themselves or their family members which conflict with their obligation to serve Company's best interest. Conflicts of interest can take many forms, not all of which are described in this code. The following are examples of conflicts of interest:

· Consulting with or employment by a competitor, supplier, or customer of Company;

· Holding a substantial equity, debt, or other financial interest in any competitor, supplier, or customer;

· Having a financial interest in any transaction involving the purchase or sale by Company of any products, materials, equipment, services, or property, other than through Company-sponsored programs;

· Using employees, materials, equipment, or other assets of Company for any unauthorized purpose; or

· Accepting cash, gifts, entertainment, or benefits from any competitor, supplier or customer that have a more than a modest value.

All employees are required to prevent the following problems from occurring:

· Taking a part-time job; engaging in outside consulting, managerial, or employment relationships; or holding public office where you may be tempted to spend time on that job or engagement during your normal Company working hours or to use Company equipment or materials

· Receiving gifts, or accepting loans or guarantees of obligations, from any individual, organization, or entity doing, or seeking to do, business with Company

· Receiving personal discounts or other benefits from suppliers, service providers or customers not available to the general public

· Directing business to a supplier that is owned or managed by a relative or close friend

· Misusing Company resources, your position, or influence to promote or assist an outside activities unrelated to your work.

· Preferential hiring of, direct supervision of, or making a promotion decision about a spouse, relative, or close personal friend

· Engaging in a romantic or other personal relationship that may create a conflict of interest with the employee’s Company responsibilities or compromise Company interests