
To talk about my life bar! Because life is a very wonderful thing. While the world great, I am just a little girl, but I have a dream. I was always with a pen, paper, as well as the book girl. I will put all my memories into a written record. I found the beauty of life, to experience life a better bit by bit. I also clearly recall that in 2009, my new room, new book ... ... and more importantly, in my year as high school students, and it seems to me suddenly grown up a lot. Growth is also a risk, a risk beyond the self. I not only found a variety of beauty has never been found, but also shared with everyone. We are learning together, happy together. We share a common love and common dreams. Life is such an extraordinary and special, and is not it?


The window play very important role. Chinese garden is often designed to be the window fan, known as the "noodle". The bamboo or out of the window of castle peak, look through the window frame, is a picture. Longevity (almost all around the Summer Palace is the window, white wall around open many small window, facing the lake view, each window is equal to a small painting, this is li yu qing dynasty said "CheFu window, not intentional painting". Gardening home call window "repeated", is the view of the different scenic mutual leakage, it flows up the entire garden scenery. And the same window, from a different Angle, view is different. So the state of painting was immensely increased.

Mankind has from the primitive society development, exploration of new energy has never been interrupted. In modern times, with the continuous exploitation of water energy, fossil energy, nuclear energy and other difficult problems. Not only are these energy reserves, and the use of energy and environmental problems caused by the. So, let the energy and social harmony and progress is bound to the development of new energy. This paper mainly introduces and studies of geothermal energy, wind, ocean energy, hydrogen energy utilization method, the main research for power generation.

翻译一段话 (中译英)
in this earthquake, many children lost their parents and became orphans. i want to say to those children, never lose heart. Although you lose your parents' love, but the government will care about you like your parents. Under the caring of government, you will study and live ...

麻烦帮忙翻译一小段话 (中译英), 万分感谢!!!
ve just been to Paris!"楼上那几位真的好囧啊…一看就是直译用某种翻译工具= = 而且翻译的意思都不对 拼写啊意思啊格式啊都是错… 我用的是美国格式和语境。因为一般这种小笑话我们把人物虽然不是专有名字但我们习惯用大写”Daddy Mommy Son" ^^ 有什么不懂或者迷惑的地方请追问~ 乐意解答~...

100分中译英 请帮忙翻译一小段话.
Dear Sir\/Madame,My name is xxx. I am a student from China currently studying in the University of Manitoba. I would like to apply for a Return Visa because I plan to go back to my country during Christmas holidays after the final exams and return to Canada to continue my ...

1.Moonlight under of Seine gentleness but full of poetry.The gaudiness of the cross-straits constructs the quickly passing time to overflow colourful, the secondary rainbow is endless, make person eyes not theconnect.From see go to on the boat, the one and other beautiful and big...

1 一阵风吹走了一张纸 A piece of paper was blown away by a gust of wind.2 连声说谢谢 Express thanks instantly.3 一边做……一边做…… He milked the cow as he whistled.4 踩到香蕉皮而滑倒了 ...slipped on a banana skin.5 自言自语 think aloud or talk to oneself.6 走上...

logo on the product, please let us know whether you will send the LOGO to us or we have to design it by ourselves.Thank you.保证准确率~~~祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!不明白请及时追问,满意敬请采纳,O(∩_∩)O谢谢~~

8、除付股票价格外,购买者还得向经济商行(brokerage firm)支付服务佣金,佣金一般是股票交易总价值的1-2%。9、造成泰国金融危机的原因不少,其中主要的有:严重的经常项目逆差、泰铢的过早自由兑换,以及短期外国投机资本流入过多。10、经济学中长期争论的一个问题是:固定汇率是否优于浮动汇率?对此问题作出过分简单的...

"I want to prove myself. I have to prove myself for myself."The first reason that he said this was that he loved the place where he lived. He wanted to preotect this place well. He didn't want the place where he grew up spoiled by war, but he had no way to stop...

One day, an elderly couple arrived at Harvard University. The woman was dressed in a faded striped cotton dress, while her husband wore a cheap suit. Without an appointment, they went directly to see the President of Harvard. They waited for several hours, and finally the ...

Welcome to my home. My kitchen is clean. I bought a new refrigerator the other day. My bedroom is very clean. There is a stamp on the desk. If you need it, I can give it to you.翻译完了,希望对您有帮助。