
1 Here are two cards
2 Now I fold this one horizontally 横着折, and this one vertically竖着折
3 Alright, I put both of them together
4 Then I turn them over
5 I push the card inside forward
6 Look! Why doesn't the head match the tail?

牌 cards; playing cards
红桃6 heart 6
spade, heart, diamond, club
A Ace J Jack Q Queen K King


1) this is two CARDS
(2) now I put a cross with a fold, a discount
(3) ok, I will put them together.
(4) to be inside them
(5) the card to extrapolate
(6) : look! How head wrong tail?

1) It is two cards
(2) Now I took a sideways folding, a fold on end
(3) Well, I then put them together.
(4) and then they turn over
(5) to deliberately alienate inside a card
(6) Look! How the first does not end?

1 Here are two cards
2 Now I fold one card horizontally and the other one vertically.
3 Ok, I put them together
4 Turn them over
5 Push the one inside out
6 Look! Why the head does not correspond the tail?

1. Here are two cards. 或者 These are two cards. 第一种表达方式比较常用。
2. Now I fold one card horizontally and other one vertically.
3. Okay, then I put them together.
4. And, flip them over.
5. Push the card from inside out.
6. Look! How come the head is not matching the tail?


红桃6:Heart 6


(1) this is two plate
(2) I have held a sheet at present being laid across breaking , a sheet has broken
(3) all right up endways , I have readjusted oneself to a certain extent again with them together.
(4) flips them over a plate in
(5) pushes
(6) to the outside again! Why head does not check a tail?
红桃6就是Make a peach red 6


1, I remember fondly me to become wing, let I the invisible happy angel take it, flying to you nearby.
2, I am a wild flower of commonness like the wayside, treating quietly everyday, be not willing to release to come from personal weak flavor.Coagulate everyday, waits for at your arrival, bloom to come from F most pretty flower petal, release come from F the most captivating flavor.

With a bright light yellow tint and a rich tropical fruity flavor, this wine has a very well balanced and long lasting taste.

Containing ripe and delicate 黑果,with a soft, sour tannin twist and long lasting flavour,(因为前面又单宁后面又单宁所以把两句并做一句了,如果一定要在说一次的话是:with a sour tanning twist, long lasting flavour and soft tannin) this wine is just stepping into its prime drinking years.

苏达庄is one of the oldest vineyards in 圣爱美浓区. Grapes selected only from the best of qualities, this wine has the taste of ripe fruit, and is oaked for months, giving it a rich tannin flavour. The body is rich and full, with a strong, fragrant fruit trace, and a ever-lasting aftertaste.

唱歌的小鸟城堡is a member of Famous Wine Association(查一下具体是哪个,那里的协会,用他们本身的名字比较好),and one of best of the official Graves vineyards. This wine has a lively ruby coulour, a rich, ripe floral taste, with balanced tanning, and a smooth and long lasting flavour.

This wine has a rich jam flavour, it is fresh and dry, with a clean sweetness and a long lasting aftertaste.

第一句:如果你还有什么需要,请跟我说.Please feel free to let me know any of your requirement.第二句:你看到JANE了吗?我想跟他说些事.have you seen Jane?i'd like to talk to him something.第三句:你可以帮我把这张卡片交给他吗?will you help me pass this card to him?第四句:...

我们是最棒的 We are the best.通通闭嘴All shut up.你是我的骄傲 I am pround of you.抬起头 Hold head up.骄傲的离开Leave with pride.

帮我把几句话翻译成英文 谢谢!
very friendly.5.The magazine costs me 10 yuan.6.He put a bowl of porridge on the table then left.7.It's time to do my homework!8.Yesterday, I wrote a letter to my grandma on this chair.9.I spent half an hour learning geography yesterday!呵呵,大功告成,相信我没错!

I‘m sorry, my english is not so good.I'm Mr. Chen with xx Company and this is my business card. I'll take you to our company. My boss XXX is just over there.Let's find a taxi and then we can go to our company together....

Where will you go?I will go to school.3、你经常去看电影吗?不,不是很经常。Do you often go to cinema?No, I dont.4、Jan每天早上六点起床。Jan gets up at 6 every day.5、地板很脏,我要去打扫一下。The floor is dirty, I need to turn it out.下面的是把英文翻译成中文 6...

1, I remember fondly me to become wing, let I the invisible happy angel take it, flying to you nearby.2, I am a wild flower of commonness like the wayside, treating quietly everyday, be not willing to release to come from personal weak flavor.Coagulate everyday, waits for ...

4 i wish to have a kindly teacher.5 he is never mad at the students.6 he helps me with learning.7 i also hope to have classmates who help each other.估计这是准备给高中英语课自我介绍什么用的。提前准备这个出发点是好的。给你个建议,少用“我”这个字,少把自己当做主语。少给...

谁帮我把这几句话翻译成英语!?不要乱翻译啊!急 在线等你们
the bottom of my heart.初恋的人不懂得感情 Those in love for the first time do not understand feelings.现在我终于明白了!But I finally understand now.在这7夕之夜!祝你永远幸福!On this night of the Double Seventh Festiva,I wish you happiness.这世界上,你可以对不起任何人!In this ...

In my hometown,more and more people are aware of the importance of environmental protection.So they often organize activities and publicity on environmental protection.For example, at school, we're going to plant trees on Arbor Day and recycle used bottles and newspapers.希望能帮助到你...

我今天要讲一个故事。 Today,I'm going to talk about a story.我要为大家讲一个故事。I'd like to share a story with us.我的故事讲完了。It is the end.=== 希望我的翻译合你心意。