
Qingdao as a people will always be proud of their city, Qingdao artist, musician, writer of the cradle of modern culture, we have a lot of long-term residence Qingdao, Qingdao's family to maintain the ratio of the first piano and a major National Arts School enrollment base of the Academy of Fine Arts and the preferred base for painting scenery, Qingdao children always grow up in an atmosphere rich in art.

However, the geographical features of Qingdao has just become a bottleneck in the development of certain areas, Qingdao sea on three sides, the only side with the same land, the Jinan Railway is the east side of the head which determines the population in Qingdao, information, material aspects of poor liquidity Also led to Qingdao in the concept of awareness relative to other regional cities has been lagging behind, Pianan corner, self-righteous;

The 1980s, Qingdao young artists also set off a vigorous fashion art movement, founded the "Youth Art Salon" and "art market" as well as the nearly four-year-old "open-air art exhibition" Unfortunately, due to time Qingdao's avant-garde artists and the art of important domestic media, critics, as well as in other parts of the country's arts groups and the lack of timely and effective contacts and exchanges, the Qingdao fashion art sports and the development of Chinese contemporary art history passed, and so Qingdao China has become a major art cities of missed opportunities, but also delayed a lot of good Qingdao artist's personal development.

Early studies out of Qingdao artist who had already received a lot of very good personal development, as well-known sculptor Sui Jianguo; to the concept known painting of the artist Wang Yin, Liu Che-hung; contemporary ink out of Wei Qing, such as Kyrgyzstan have been in the arts at home and abroad Won the respect, some are still staying in Qingdao of artists such as Liu Chuan-bao, You Liang Cheng also still insist on independent thinking and creativity, despite the cultural environment of Qingdao and the art market was also less than satisfactory, they also stick with 20 years ago The ideal is about to wait for the dawn of flash.

Today, a lot of Qingdao in the 1980s, active artists like Zhao Dewei, Wan Li Ya, Xing Dong, also came to the heart of Chinese culture and the arts - in Beijing, accompanied by Chinese contemporary art over the past two years in the international development of the volcanic eruption of the tide They began to search for self, perhaps precisely because in recent years, state the marginalization of the arts on the contrary, they provide a more creative and multicultural character of the possibility of a lot less popular with the fashion sense, although showing a slightly jerky But the more-derived, personalized, simple truth of this state.

Qingdao as a people will always be proud of their city, Qingdao artist, musician, writer of the cradle of modern culture, we have a lot of long-term residence Qingdao, Qingdao's family to maintain the ratio of the first piano and a major National Arts School enrollment base of the Academy of Fine Arts and the preferred base for painting scenery, Qingdao children always grow up in an atmosphere rich in art.

However, the geographical features of Qingdao has just become a bottleneck in the development of certain areas, Qingdao sea on three sides, the only side with the same land, the Jinan Railway is the east side of the head which determines the population in Qingdao, information, material aspects of poor liquidity Also led to Qingdao in the concept of awareness relative to other regional cities has been lagging behind, Pianan corner, self-righteous; especially in regard to the evolution of culture and arts are lagging far behind many other major cities, but also in the city of Qingdao as a whole eco-culture Drifted away from the trend, yet another unique and regional samples.

The 1980s, Qingdao young artists also set off a vigorous fashion art movement, founded the "Youth Art Salon" and "art market" as well as the nearly four-year-old "open-air art exhibition" Unfortunately, due to time Qingdao's avant-garde artists and the art of important domestic media, critics, as well as in other parts of the country's arts groups and the lack of timely and effective contacts and exchanges, the Qingdao fashion art sports and the development of Chinese contemporary art history passed, and so Qingdao China has become a major art cities of missed opportunities, but also delayed a lot of good Qingdao artist's personal development.

Early studies out of Qingdao artist who had already received a lot of very good personal development, as well-known sculptor Sui Jianguo; to the concept known painting of the artist Wang Yin, Liu Che-hung; contemporary ink out of Wei Qing, such as Kyrgyzstan have been in the arts at home and abroad Won the respect, some are still staying in Qingdao of artists such as Liu Chuan-bao, You Liang Cheng also still insist on independent thinking and creativity, despite the cultural environment of Qingdao and the art market was also less than satisfactory, they also stick with 20 years ago The ideal is about to wait for the dawn of flash.

Today, a lot of Qingdao in the 1980s, active artists like Zhao Dewei, Wan Li Ya, Xing Dong, also came to the heart of Chinese culture and the arts - in Beijing, accompanied by Chinese contemporary art over the past two years in the international development of the volcanic eruption of the tide They began to search for self, perhaps precisely because in recent years, state the marginalization of the arts on the contrary, they provide a more creative and multicultural character of the possibility of a lot less popular with the fashion sense, although showing a slightly jerky But the more-derived, personalized, simple truth of this state.


Despite the relaxed atmosphere like Chengdu, comfortable life, but the artists are Chengdu's accession to the WTO and positive, has been a big brother to take the lead in the bud Zhou Chun is never good for small, from 1998 to participate in the planning, "River Gallery" 2001 Mobilized to participate in the "First Chengdu Biennale," in 2003 and the United Guo Wei, Zhao Zhi can, Yang Mian 4, and other artists took the lead into a plant near the Airport Road area set up the "blue roof Arts Center." Zhou Chun Bud has always been forward-looking and super-sharp edge of the action is changing the ecology of the arts in Chengdu. Blue has just started the top although it simple to quickly attract more artists - Luo Hui-fat,
Mo critics, and artists who Jockey equal a lead, in the tone from the Sichuan Academy of Fine Arts District in Chengdu 6 km of local hire factory to create the North Village Arts District. The Arts District in Chengdu, Sichuan Music Academy of Fine Arts at the core, has also signed more than 40 artists live in, most of them sound Chengdu, Sichuan Academy of Fine Arts and artists living in Chengdu.
The blue is more like a big family of a top. Artists of all ages with every day, very interesting, very united, it is a lot of fun, we often climb the organization, playing a few years down the progress of each artist, a common cultural experience and visual experience is conducive to the formation of A powerful collective strategy, which the artist's individual growth and development will undoubtedly have a positive role in promoting at the same time have a significant impact on the community, to move into soon after the shoot Zhou Chun Ho-ling, and so many artists to launch a blue top artists as the main body The group of large-scale contemporary art exhibition - "living in Chengdu"Not only the arts community awareness of domestic and foreign arts groups of Chengdu, Chengdu, so that the ordinary people who come into contact with the secrecy of the avant-garde art. It is a lot of young artists through the top of the blue as a platform towards Beijing, Shanghai and cities in the forefront of this kind of art, with well-known Chinese and foreign art galleries signing more room for development. Now, the top blue-Arts Center is about to move to rural Sam's Lotus Pond. Zhou Chun, including bud, Dr Ling, and so on more than 14 outstanding artists will be stationed in the construction of one of its own permanent studio! Chengdu arts will certainly be better tomorrow.
From time to time in the shuttle in between the two cities when all of a sudden I found two artists each other around a little, most of the artists have not been to Qingdao, Chengdu, Qingdao and the vast majority of artists have not been to Chengdu, which gave me the planning Such a dialogue interest in art and power, and perhaps this is just a beginning, and have begun to have a more in the future may


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