
This is my first writing prior to the Chinese description of the article, I am useless as far as possible descriptive words, a friend who can help me translate what I own and compare it to compare (as far as possible, you hope that the professionals that are also most grateful )
我的英语学习计划 My English Learning Program
现在我已经是研究生了,算起来学习英语已经超过10个年头,然而我的英语水平依旧很差。 I have now is a graduate student, learning English Suanqi Lai has more than 10 years, but my English is still very poor. 看着身边的朋友现在都已经能和外国人流利的交流,我很是羡慕。 Watching friends are now able to fluently and foreign exchange, I was envious. 着急不是办法,制定合理的学习计划才是学好英语的关键,以下几条是我针对自身弱点而采取的学习计划: Is not approach anxious to develop a reasonable plan to study and learn English is the key to several of the following is my response to their own weaknesses and learn to take the plan:
1、 我的词汇量很是贫乏,因此提高词汇量是首要之事。 1, my vocabulary is very poor and therefore increase the vocabulary is the most important things. 我认为背单词最重要的是坚持和重复,现在我正在记忆GRE词汇,每天大约投入5小时,我相信,将来,我的词汇量肯定有大幅度提高。 I think the word back the most important thing is to maintain and repeat, I remember being GRE vocabulary every day into about 5 hours, I believe that in the future, my vocabulary has definitely increases.
2、 写作是体现英语能力很重要的一部分,然而长久以来这方面却一直是我的弱势,它不仅对词汇量,而且对表达能力都有很高的要求。 2, is reflected in English writing ability is important, however, a long time in this area has always been my weakness, not only on vocabulary, but also have the ability to express very high. 最好的方法就是看和写,即多读别人的文章,再配以自己至少每周两篇的训练。 The best way is to see and write, that is, the more people read the article, together with their two least a week of training.
3、 另外一个我认为比较重要的部分就是听力,听力水平的低下也是导致中国人的哑巴英语的原因。 3, I think a more important part of that hearing, the hearing also led to the low level of China's dumb English. 而提高这方面能力只有靠坚持不懈的听写练习,除此之外,一些英文网站上的趣味听力也可有助于听力水平的提高。 And enhance capacity only by persistent dictation exercises, in addition, some of the English Web site of the hearing will also be interesting listening levels.
总而言之,我认为学习英语是一件体力活,付出越多,收获越多。 All in all, I think learning English is a jobs they take, the more pay, more gains. 我应该投入比以前更多的时间和精力,只有这样才能获得英语水平的显著提高。 I should have put more than time and energy, is the only way to get the level of English improved significantly.

English Study Plan
Now I am a graduate student and have learned English for about ten years, but I am still very sick in English. I admire all my friends who can communicate with foreiners in English smoothly. However, feeling anxious is useless while the key to learn Enlgish well is make a proper study plan. I want what to do is the following what adpoted to aim at my weak point:
1.The first thing to do is improving my vocabulary cause my vocabularies are very poor. In my apinion, the important part of memory words is persistence and repetition. Now I spend five honours every day on memory the GRE Vocabulary, and I believe word-base would have a big expending in the future.
2.Writing is also my weak point while it is a very important in Englihs language ability. Writing ask high for vocabulary and expression abilities. The best way to improve this ability is reading and writing, that is reading other's article for more and writing by myself at least twice per week.
3.The last but not the least is listening what is one of the reason leading Chinese failed to speaking English. If I want to raise my listening I have to take dictating practice persistently. Further more, some interesting listening materials on some English website are very useful.
In a word, I think English study is a physical work.The more you pay, the more you will gain. I should pay mort time and energy in English learing. Only by this way can I have sharp progress in English ability.


My Plan For Learning English
Now I am a graduate student, I have learnt English for more than 10 years totally, but the level of my English is still low. Considering my friends have been able to communicate with foreigners fluently,I really adore them. It's worthless worrying about this, I think what's the most important thing for me to do now is to make a reasonable plan for learning English. These are some of the plan I made for myself below.
1. My vocabulary is small, so it's the biggest problem to broaden it. To memorize vocabulary, being persistent is extremely important, and it also needs me to repeat repeat and repeat. At present I am memorzing GRE's vocabulary, every day I spend 5 hours on it, and I believe in the near future, my English vocabulary can have a great improvement definitely.
2. Writing is a significant part of reflecting the English level. But for a very long time I am poor on this aspect. It needs not only vocabulary but also skills of expressing yourself clearly and completely. The best way is to reading and excising writing. At least I write two articles a week.
3. On the other hand hearing occupies a certain important place in learning English, many Chinese learning English don't speak English as they don't practice listening. Anyway pesist is necessary for practising Listening and Writing, apart form these, some English websites have listening section for people to enhance their hearing.
In one word, learning English is a physical job, you gain more you pay more. So I just spend more time and enthusiam on it to obtain a obvious improvement on English.

My English learning program now I already was the graduate student, calculated study English already surpassed for 10 years, however my English proficiency is very as before bad. Looks that the friend already could with the foreigner fluent exchange, I very be now envies. The worry is not means that works out the reasonable learning program is learns English the key, following several are I the learning program which adopts in view of own weakness: 1, my vocabulary are very deficient, therefore enhances the vocabulary is the most important matter. I thought that the back word insists most importantly and is redundant, now I am remembering the GRE glossary, every day probably invests for 5 hours, I believed that, my vocabulary definitely will have in the future the large scale enhancement. 2, the writing manifest an English ability very important part, however for long this aspect actually has been my weak trend, it not only to vocabulary, and has the very high request to the power of expression. The best method is looks and writes, namely reads others' article, matches again by oneself at least every week two trainings. 3, other I thought that the quite important part is the hearing, the hearing level low also causes Chinese's mute English reason. But sharpens this aspect ability only then depending on the relentless dictation practice, in addition, in some English website's interest hearing may also be helpful to the hearing level enhancement. in brief, I thought study English is a physical strength lives, pays are more, the harvest are more. I should invest compared to before more time and the energy, only then could obtain English proficiency like the remarkable enhancement.

My English Learning Program
I have now is a graduate student, learning English Suanqi Lai has more than 10 years, but my English is still very poor. Watching friends are now able to fluently and foreign exchange, I was envious. Is not approach anxious to develop a reasonable plan to study and learn English is the key to several of the following is my response to their own weaknesses and learn to take the plan:
1, my vocabulary is very poor and therefore increase the vocabulary is the most important things. I think the word back the most important thing is to maintain and repeat, I remember being GRE vocabulary every day into about 5 hours, I believe that in the future, my vocabulary has definitely increases.
2, is reflected in English writing ability is important, however, a long time in this area has always been my weakness, not only on vocabulary, but also have the ability to express very high. The best way is to see and write, that is, the more people read the article, together with their two least a week of training.
3, I think a more important part of that hearing, the hearing also led to the low level of China's dumb English. And enhance capacity only by persistent dictation exercises, in addition, some of the English Web site of the hearing will also be interesting listening levels.
All in all, I think learning English is a jobs they take, the more pay, more gains. I should have put more than time and energy, is the only way to get the level of English improved significantly.

一篇 很短英语文章的翻译~急


Was my mistake, I should not be self-willed, I should not and you feel wronged and act rashly, why are you not angry? Why do you want to admit their mistakes? Why do you want to call me a smile? I do not deserve you, so good to me ... ... maybe I will let you have mixed feelings about, you obviously can not ignore me, but why you should take the initiative to come to see me? I have too many problems, selfish and self-willed, hot-tempered, unreasonable, if you hate me, and my heart may be some good about them, but you always think of is your own mistake, this really sadden me, you simply there is no mistake. Can be met you was my good fortune, very happy with you, really ... ...
I beg your pardon, do not tell me good, I did not deserve to be you ... ...
I have doubted in the end I love you, now is clear, in this life, I love you a ... ...

最后,杰米说服他们试着他做的饭菜,他们喜欢它!杰米跟政府。他告诉他们需要在学校禁止垃圾食品,培训厨师,教导孩子和花更多的钱在学校伙食。很多家长、教师和孩子们都同意他。关于他的报纸写文章,一个电视节目表明他拜访了学校。杰米是一位厨师,他的想法是变化的英国学校的伙食 ...

最近的日子很平淡,平淡得如同一杯白开水,如果没有那件事的出现 ,我想的日子会一直这样平淡而幸福着。Recent days are very insipid, insipid as a cup of water, if not that appear, I think time will have been so dull and happily.我知道,这件事不可能不会被 他们知道的,我也知道他们...

, but there is also time that i'm afraid of falling and betray the dreams in my heart, everyone can do it, but who can live in a world with only one knew him and be not afraid , that's the belief i hold for many years,亲,望采纳啊,自己翻译的,质量保证 ...

“大多数学生为了成绩而努力,因为他们相信那将帮助他们找到一份工作养活自己,”他说,“我在为我的公司努力,因为当我明年我毕业后,它将会成为我的饭碗。 “朋友们认为布莱克本将在5年内赚到1百万英镑,但是他自己不太确定。他说 “还有很多事要做”。为了让文章更通顺,并没有逐字逐句的翻译。有...

As known, there are many advantages to participate in social practice, it will enrich our life, widen the students' vision and it will not to be so boring in learning. Students can apply their knowledge from book and in return gaining the experience from the actual practice. ...

赫敏·格兰杰:破坏规矩很好玩,不是吗?罗恩·韦斯莱:你是谁?你对赫敏·格兰杰做了什么?Harry Potter: [shouting at Dumbledore] LOOK AT ME!哈利·波特(向邓布利多大喊):看着我!Sirius Black: [to Harry] It's your turn now!小天狼星布莱克(对哈利说):现在该轮到你了!Dolores Umbridge...

请各位英语高手 帮我用英文翻译一篇文章 很短 谢谢!
Was my mistake, I should not be self-willed, I should not and you feel wronged and act rashly, why are you not angry? Why do you want to admit their mistakes? Why do you want to call me a smile? I do not deserve you, so good to me ... ... maybe I will let ...

2010-01-24 请帮我翻译一篇文章,谢谢。 2 2018-06-21 请帮我翻译一篇文章~ 要准确~谢谢!! 2010-03-25 请帮我 翻译一篇文章!谢谢!! 2012-03-28 请帮我翻译一篇文章 2007-05-24 请帮我翻译下面这一篇文章! 2011-12-30 请帮我翻译一篇文章,急用!!! 1 2008-11-25 请帮我翻译一篇文章,急急急...

This is difficult to acknowledge. Last year the promise of decades of work on money laundering was silenced by the assault on New York and Washington. It seemed as if the world had been observed through the wrong end of a telescope.这一点很难实现。去年由于对纽约和华盛顿的袭击,...

这样做有几种结果。 首先,如果不是绝对需要用到刀, 美国人是 不用的。 因为这样使得事情复杂化了。所以你就会看到他们用叉来切土豆, 鱼, 甚至熏猪肉。其次, 由于只是用了一种器具, 在吃完一道菜时, 就要用叉来到处弄食物,最后一口往往就需要大拇指的帮忙, 虽然是不该用的。Third, ...